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我家门前有一棵芒果树。夏天到了,麻雀三五成群地在树上欢快地叫唤,热闹极了。每天早晨天刚亮,我就被麻雀的叫声吵醒。我决定给它们点“颜色”看看。我把长绳绑在木棒上,用木棒牢牢地支起圆匾,在圆匾中间的空地上撒谷子。我攥着绳子,盯着前方的动静。终于有几只麻雀跳到地上,有的飞来飞去,有的探头探脑。有只麻雀侦查了一会儿,竟钻进圆匾中间偷谷子吃。我瞅准时机,使劲一拉,圆匾顿时压在麻雀身上,吓得它的同伴四处乱飞。我迫不及待地跑过去,小心翼翼地抓住麻雀。它正用乞求的目光看着我,悲哀地叫着,好像在说:“求求你, There is a mango tree in front of my house. The summer is over, and the sparrows cheerfully cheerfully in the trees in groups of thirty-five. When the morning was bright, I was awakened by the sparrow’s call. I decided to give them a point ”color “ look. I tied the long rope to the wooden stick, sticking the circular plaque firmly with a wooden stick, and scattering the millet in the open space in the middle of the plaque. I clutched the rope, staring at the front of the movement. Finally there are a few sparrows jumped to the ground, and some fly, some probes. A sparrow investigation for a while, actually got into the middle of the plaque stealing millet eat. I look for the opportunity, hard pull, round plaque suddenly pressed on the sparrow body, scared its companions fly around. I can not wait to run over and hold the sparrow carefully. It was looking at me with begging gaze, crying sadly, as if to say: ”Seeking you,
农村民主政治建设是关系到农村改革、发展和稳定的根本大计,是我国社会主义民主建设的重要内容。晋中地区采取“两议五公开”的办法推进农村民主政治建设,取得了很好的效果 Th
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