
来源 :语文教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ldbeight
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关于读书的话题,古往今来已经有不少人谈过了。而且有不少精辟的格言,教人如何读,读书的妙用,等等。 但一个人要真正体味到读书的妙滞,特别对于思想活跃,对人生感悟还如隙中窥月一般的求知的学生,并不是一件易事。何况现在以升学率论学校位次,论教师的优劣,读课外书对于学生,特别是中学生似乎成了一种奢侈。 我以为这仅是一种短视,一种权宜之计,这关乎到我们的教育传统,我们的现实,我无意指责我们的教育部门的领导,无意指责我 On the topic of study, from ancient to many people have talked about. And there are a lot of brilliant motto, teach people how to read, magical effect of reading, and so on. However, one should really appreciate the magical effect of reading, especially for those students who are active in thinking and have a clear understanding of life. Not to mention the tertiary level now on the school rankings, on the merits of teachers, extra-curricular reading books for students, especially secondary school students seem to have become a luxury. I think this is only a short-sighted, an expedient measure, which is related to our educational tradition. Our reality is that I have no intention of accusing the leadership of our education department and have no intention of accusing me of
时间 :1999年夏季最炎热的一天上午地点 :北京中央戏剧学院附近一露天茶室提问者(以下简称为“问”) :几天前 ,看了你们的小剧场话剧《血色玄黄》。因为事先几乎没有看到任何的宣传
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