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人们一般把写作分为“收集材料——构思——表达——修改”四个阶段.在这四个阶段中,“构思”应该属“前期工程”,很重要.因为一篇文章的成功与否很大程度上取决于是否有一个完美的构思.同样的题目,同样的材料,写出的文章却有好中差之别,问题往往出在构思上.然而,我们不少语文教师,在教学中只注重对学生收集材料、表达、修改的训练,却忽视了构思这个十分重要的环节.在构思上,缺少必要的指导.初中学生作文常见这样几种情况:一是文思不通.思维出现“凝滞”.面对题目不知所措.二是提笔就写,文不对题.下笔千言,离题万里.三是边想边写.脚踩西瓜 People generally divide writing into four stages: “collecting materials - concept - expression - modification”. In these four stages, “conceiving” should belong to “pre-project” and it is very important because of the success of an article. Whether or not there is a perfect idea depends largely on whether or not there is a perfect idea. The same topics, the same materials, and the articles written are not the same. The problem is often in conception. However, many of our language teachers are The teaching only focuses on the training of students in collecting materials, expressions, and revisions, but neglects the very important aspect of the conception. In terms of conception, there is a lack of necessary guidance. The junior high school students’ composition is commonly seen in these situations: First, it is difficult to think through words. “Stalled.” Faced with the problem at a loss. Second, the pen to write, the text is not correct. Write a thousand words, leave the problem Miles. The third is to write and write.
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去年上半年,我们就初中化学教学质量滑坡的问题进行了现情调查,以分析影响教学质量进一步提高的主要原因,研讨大面积提高教学质量的措施。 In the first half of last year,