
来源 :武汉水运工程学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangduanhua0505
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控制轧制钢在制造焊接结构方面已占有极重要的地位。该钢加入的极微量的合金元素,(主要是铌、钒、硼、错、稀土以及钙等),用来细化晶粒,进行沉淀强化,提高淬透性并控制夹杂物的形态。加入微量的钒及铌的控制轧制钢,其冷加工或热加工(焊接)性能已日臻完善。钛与铌和钒相比,在冶金上具有多功能(钛既能细化晶粒,又能改变硫化物的形态,而铌和钒只能细化晶粒),且价格低廉。本文阐述了钛在控制轧制钢中的存在形式,强化机理,钛含量对钢性能的影响,含钛控制轧制钢的可焊性,焊接中出现的问题及防止的有效措施。 Controlled rolled steel in the manufacture of welded structures has occupied a very important position. The steel added a trace amount of alloying elements, mainly niobium, vanadium, boron, iron, rare earth and calcium, etc., used to refine the grain, precipitation hardening, improve hardenability and control the morphology of inclusions. The addition of trace amounts of vanadium and niobium controlled rolled steels for cold or hot work (weld) performance has been improved. Compared with niobium and vanadium, titanium is versatile in metallurgy (titanium can refine grains and change the morphology of the sulphides, while niobium and vanadium can only refine the grains) at low cost. This paper describes the existence of titanium in the controlled rolling of steel, strengthening mechanism, the effect of titanium content on the properties of steel, titanium controlled rolling steel weldability, welding problems and prevent effective measures.
“血荒”(或称血液短缺),是所有实行无偿献血模式的国家都可能面对的问题。但在中国,血荒发生之频繁与程度之严重,的确令人担忧。 Blood shortage (or blood shortage) is a
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