
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhfheihei
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写在前面的话:汉字和以汉字为载体的中国书法是中华民族的文化瑰宝,是人类文明的宝贵财富。书法教育对培养学生的书写能力、审美能力和文化品质具有重要作用。为推进中小学书法教育,传承中华民族优秀文化,教育部特制定并于2013年颁布了《中小学书法教育指导纲要》。根据教育部的要求,天津市中小学正在将书法教育纳入日常课程体系并不断加强教研工作。本刊特邀中国教育学会书法教育专业委员会顾问、教育部《中小学书法教育指导纲要》研制专家组主要成员张凤民谈中小学书法教育,并选取几篇小学书法教师的教学心得与广大读者分享。 Written in front of: Chinese characters and Chinese calligraphy as the carrier of Chinese calligraphy is the cultural treasures of the Chinese nation, is a valuable treasure of human civilization. Calligraphy education plays an important role in cultivating students’ writing ability, aesthetic ability and cultural quality. In order to promote calligraphy education in primary and secondary schools and inherit the fine Chinese culture, the Ministry of Education specially formulated and issued the “Guidance Outline for Calligraphy Education in Primary and Secondary Schools” in 2013. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, primary and secondary schools in Tianjin are bringing calligraphy education into the daily course system and continuously strengthening their teaching and research work. The magazine invited China Education Society Calligraphy Education Committee, the Ministry of Education, “primary and secondary calligraphy education guideline,” a member of the research group Zhang Fengmin primary and secondary calligraphy education, and selected a few primary school calligraphy teachers teaching experience and readers to share.
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