应用电子商务 提高国际竞争力

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上海申贝长城号码机械有限公司,为进一步开发市场,尤其是外贸销售市场,增强国际竞争能力和国际间的交流,加快对国际市场的了解,挖掘国际市场的潜力,把我公司的产品引向国际市场,创国际品牌,作为我公司转制后的一个新课题。三年来,我们通过电子商务的应用及信息管理取得良好效果,翻开外贸销售成功的第一页。据统计,1995年自营出口创汇23.05万美元,1996年扩大到46.69万美元,1997年上升到61.09万美元,1998年为53.76 Shanghai Shen Bei Great Wall Number Machinery Co., Ltd., in order to further develop the market, especially the foreign trade sales market, enhance international competitiveness and international exchanges, speed up understanding of the international market, explore the potential of the international market, the company’s products lead to International market, an international brand, as a transformation of our company after a new topic. In the past three years, we achieved good results through the application of electronic commerce and information management and opened the first page of successful foreign trade sales. According to statistics, self-government exports in 1995 achieved 230,500 U.S. dollars, expanding to 466,900 U.S. dollars in 1996, rising to 610,900 U.S. dollars in 1997 and 53.76 U.S. dollars in 1998
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《江海记者》2002年第4期发表陈建华的文章《社会新闻追求“卖点”与道德自律》。 “Jianghai reporter” 2002 fourth issue Chen Jianhua article “social news pursuit
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1 改变对生育中期的认识1 1 食味与产量决定在中期1)成熟期是中期生育的延长如前所述 ,培育好吃的米 ,要使淀粉与氮素平衡 ,保持优先生产淀粉 ,向米蓄积营养的成熟期 ,淀粉