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金秋时节,陈征教授、李建平教授主编的《〈资本论〉研究丛书》由福建人民出版社出版,这是马克思主义理论研究的又一重大成果。党的十九大胜利召开,又值马克思《资本论》第一卷德文版问世150周年,丛书出版发行恰逢其时。《资本论》是马克思主义理论的奠基之作,被称为世界工人阶级的“圣经”。正如丛书《总序》所言:“150年来,它的理论价值与实践意义不仅没有随着时间的流逝而消退,而是愈发流光溢彩、历久弥新。”与《资本论》问世的时代相比,世界经济、政治格局已经发生了深刻变化。然而,《资本论》所深刻揭示的资本主义从产生到最终走向灭亡的规律,社会主义从产生到最终走向胜利的历史必然性,仍 In autumn, Professor Chen Zheng and Professor Li Jianping’s “Research on Capitalism” series was published by Fujian People’s Publishing House. This is another major achievement in the study of Marxist theory. The victory of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, marking the 150th anniversary of the publication of the German version of the first volume of Marx’s Capital Theory. Capitalism is the foundation stone of Marxist theory and is called the Bible of the working class in the world. As the series “General Preface” put it: “For 150 years, its theoretical value and practical significance have not diminished over time, but have been even more vivid and time-honored.” And “Capital” Compared to the advent of the era, profound changes have taken place in the world economic and political landscape. However, the historical inevitability of the capitalism from its creation to its eventual demise, the birth of socialism and its ultimate victory
通过对师范学校大专班教学特点的分析 ,提出大专班英语教学中应把握的两个关键问题 Through the analysis of the characteristics of teaching in junior college in norma
在课改背景下,小学语文教师在教学理论和教学实践方面,应从语文阅读教学中的学习方式、课堂建设和语感培养3个方面对阅读教学策略进行探讨,以培养学生的综合素养。 In the c
During the last decade mathematical treatment of stratigraphic date has becomeincreasingly important. For biostratigraphy the general principle may be explaine
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该文通过对目前英语阅读教学存在问题的分析,指出了影响提高阅读能力的因素,并阐述了培养学生阅读能力的具体做法。 Through the analysis of the existing problems in Engli