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想在这场美女如云的盛宴里胜出,除了够入时够创意的着装外,夺人眼球的漂亮妆容也是关键。虽然派对的妆容千奇百怪、绝无定法,但注意下面的八大细节,绝对是你加分的秘密武器。1.完美底妆要想妆容精致炫目,完美底妆是第一步。参加 PARTY 的数天前应该做做保湿面膜,若在上妆前再敷15分钟眼膜和面膜,上妆时会更得心应手。倘若毛孔过大,可 Want to win in this beautiful feast, in addition to Enough enough to enter the creative dress, attractive eye-catching makeup is also the key. Although the party’s makeup all sorts of strange things, there is no fixed method, but pay attention to the following eight details, is definitely your extra points of the secret weapon. 1 perfect makeup to look exquisite makeup dazzling, perfect makeup is the first step. A few days ago to participate in PARTY moisturizing mask should be done, if the makeup before applying 15 minutes mask and mask, makeup will be more handy. If the pores are too large, yes
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汝不知夫螳螂乎?怒其臂以当车辙,不知其不胜任也,是其才之美者也。 I do not know if the husband and wife are angry about their arm to be a rut, I do not know that
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宝贝儿,夏天到了!知了在树上唱歌,绿树叶上的七星瓢虫,穿着圆点点的红衣裳,多么鲜艳的颜色啊……金色像一束束娇媚的夕阳,将世界每一个角落抹亮,成熟而绚烂。 Baby, summer!
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八月八号,立秋!……季节交替变换,却分明还是属于夏天的气候。走在林荫大道上,期待着第一片树叶的降落。拥抱一个人和吻一个人,并不是能力的问题,而是爱与不爱的问题! Augus
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