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伪装现场是侦查人员对于现场不正常态势的一种称谓,这种不正常态势仅仅是因作案人的伪装行为所致,而不是因侦查人员暂时尚未认识、解释不清的一些事物、现象使然。例如,现场内侧房门和窗户的插销已插上,根据窗台上遗留的足尖朝向窗外的缺损鞋印、手扶窗框的手套印痕分析,侦查人员判断作案人实施犯罪后是从窗户逃离现场的。于是,作案人从窗户逃离的情况与窗户插销已插上的情况之间出现了反常。现场实验证实,作案人跳出窗户后,反手将插销抬起,又轻掩窗户,在窗户即将关严时突然加力,通过振动插销落入槽内。像这些一时不好解释但不属于伪装现场的情况在勘查实践中会经常遇到。还有一些现场现象,其出现的原因并不是伪装行为而是现场偶然因素的介入。 Camouflage scene is investigators for the scene of an abnormal posture of a title, this irregular situation is only caused by the perpetrator’s disguise, rather than because investigators have not yet been aware of, some of the things to explain unclear, the phenomenon. For example, the on-site door and windows inside the plug has been inserted, according to the windowsill left toe out of the window missing shoe prints, hand-sash glove prints analysis, the investigators to determine the perpetrators of crimes committed after committing crimes from the windows of. As a result, there was an anomaly between the situation in which the perpetrator fled from the window and the situation in which the window pin was inserted. Field experiments confirmed that the perpetrator jumped out of the window, the backhand lift the latch, and lightly cover the window, closing the door when the window is suddenly added force, through the vibration pin fell into the slot. Such situations that are poorly explained but not camouflaged at this moment in time are often encountered in exploration practice. There are some on-site phenomena, the reason for its appearance is not disguised behavior but the accidental intervention of the scene.
九七年三月二十日上午,桂林两江国际机场竣工档案移交仪式,在市城建档案馆举行。市政府钱学明副秘书长及建设规划局、档案局、机场指挥部领导出席了移交仪式。 On the morn
一等奖1.《城市地下管线档案的科学管理》 北京市城建档案馆 苏文2.《试论城市地下管线档案的动态管理》 合肥市城建档案馆 徐麟征 张友华3.《关于加强城建档案法制建设研究