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2007年7月17日,重庆市沙坪坝区遭受了自1891年有气象记录以来最大暴雨袭击,引发全区性洪涝灾害。特大暴雨形成大量径流,塘、库、溪河水位迅即猛涨,26个街镇均遭洪水袭击,其中陈家桥镇等5个场镇全部被淹,其它场镇大部分被淹。灾情发生后,在重庆市委、市政府的坚强领导下,沙坪坝区党委政府迅速行动,组织协调驻渝部队、武警官兵、干部群众投入战斗,昼夜搜救和转移被困群众2万余人,创造了在特大暴雨持续不断、万名群众被水围困的情况下,迅速大规模转移群众,被困人员无一死亡的奇迹,涌现出了以抗洪英雄陈治萍、李明素等为代表的一大批奋勇争先、舍生忘死的先进典型,彰显了共产党人的英雄本色,凝结了“不畏艰险、连续作战、军民团结、众志成城”的抗洪精神,取得了抗洪救灾阶段性胜利。2007年7月23日,在追悼会上,沙坪坝区委区政府宣布:陈治萍被重庆市市委政府追认为中国共产党员和革命烈士。 On July 17, 2007, Shapingba District of Chongqing suffered the largest heavy rains since meteorological records began in 1891, triggering a flood disaster in the whole region. Heavy rainfall caused heavy runoff. The water level of the ponds, reservoirs and streams rapidly rose. 26 towns and townships were hit by floods. Among them, 5 market towns such as Chenjiaqiao were flooded and most of the other towns were flooded. After the disaster, under the strong leadership of Chongqing municipal party committee and municipal government, the party committees and governments of Shapingba District took prompt actions to organize and coordinate the troops stationed in Chongqing, armed police officers and cadres, and searched and rescued and transferred more than 20,000 trapped people day and night to create a Under the constant torrential rains and the mass mobilization of 10,000 people by the water, the miracles of mass transfer of the masses and the trapping of people without any deaths were promptly released. A large number of courageous pioneers such as the anti-flood hero Chen Zhiping and Li Mingsu emerged The advanced examples of students' forgetfulness and death demonstrated the true nature of the heroic communists and condensed the anti-flood spirit of “fearlessness and hardship, continuous fighting, military and civilian solidarity, and determination to become a city” and achieved a phased victory in flood relief. On July 23, 2007, at the memorial service, the Shapingba District Government announced that Chen Zhiping was channeled as a member of the Communist Party of China and a revolutionary martyr by the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and Government.
【内容摘要】通过对初中化学知识分化点“质量守恒定律”的特点分析、判定的基础上,有针对性地提出突破“质量守恒定律”的教学策略。  【关键词】知识分化点 质量守恒定律 教学策略  在初中教学中有一种普遍现象就是:一门新课程对于每个学生来说都处于同一起点,但是在经过一段时间的学习后,在某些知识点上开始出现了成绩的分化。我们把这些关键的知识点称之为教学过程中的知识“分化点”。化学知识“分化点”具有以下特点