Eco-reason-The Contemporary Direction of the Philosophical Inquiry

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The vanishing or termination of philosophy arises from the fact that philosophers are losing their philosophicalenthusiasm and becoming experts of philosophy and the fact that philosophical is losing its object fields and becoming rootless.The former fact comes from the philosophical research replacement of the philosophical exploration, and the latter results fromthe disturbing identification of its own object fields when it originally emerged The genuine object of philosophical explorationshould be the being of human. While man’s original being is towards its creative existing orientation, its path, course and sawconstitute the whole object fields of philosophical exploration. Thus, the naissance of philosophy stems from the growing(original and creative) existing circumstance. In such circumstances, the existing opening of man’s original being towards hiscreative existence actually creates and writes its ecological fields with the universe mutually. The mutually growing and writingexisting fields constitute the genuine perspectives of the contemporary philosophy. The vanishing or termination of philosophy arises from the fact that philosophers are losing their philosophicalenthusiasm and becoming experts of philosophy and the fact that philosophical is losing its object fields and becoming rootless. The former fact comes from the philosophical research replacement of the philosophical exploration, and the latter results from the disturbing identification of its own object fields when it originally emerged The genuine object of philosophical explorationshould be the being of human. While man’s original being is towards its creative existing orientation, its path, course and sawconstitute the whole object fields of philosophical Thus, the naissance of philosophy stems from the growing (original and creative) existing circumstance. In such circumstances, the existing opening of man’s original being to hiscreative existence actually creates and wrote its ecological fields with the universe mutually. writinge xisting fields constitute the genuine perspectives of the contemporary philosophy.
以色列拉斐尔军火局透露了怪蛇系列空空导弹的最新型号怪蛇 5的情况 ,它是第 5代导弹 .怪蛇 5在 2 0 0 3年 6月 1 5~ 2 2日举行的巴黎航展上首次亮相 ,具有近程和超视距性能以
她是声名远扬的舞蹈家,带着自己的舞蹈团飞遍全世界;她拥抱娱乐,永远是选秀节目里说话最不留情面的评委,对同行不满也一字一句写在微博上;现在她还是脱口秀的主持人,每周出现在亿万观众面前“指点江山”。人们爱她恨她,全是因为她咄咄逼人的语言天赋和真性情。  然而,她最喜欢的角色还是母亲。只是很多人都不免感到好奇,银幕前言辞犀利、人称毒舌的金星在日常生活中会怎样扮演母亲这个角色呢?  教会责任与担当  嘟嘟