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  The verb “take” is usually similar to “get”, but it also has many strange forms that are surprising to beginners.
  1. He likes to wear a hat whenever he takes a bath.
  2. It takes a long time for this lift to arrive.
  They’re going to take it to the sixth floor.
  3. She’s taking a leave of absence (请假) from work to take care of her baby.
  4. A fun bike ride through the streets of Changsha takes place on the last Friday of every month.
  5. It took a lot of patience (耐心) to grow strawberries, but it was worth the work.
  6. Taking pictures with an old camera like this one is fun.
  7. Take it easy. (This is one way of saying goodbye to someone.)
  A: See you later.
  B: Okay, take it easy.
  1. I ______ ______ my medicine this morning. (过去时,否定)
  2. ______ Cathy ______ the bus to work? (現在时)
  3. It ______ fifteen minutes to get downtown from here. (现在时)
  4. His wound (伤口) ______ ______ time to heal. (将来时)
  5. I ______ her to a bookstore yesterday. (过去时)
  6. You ______ ______ a second look at that apartment. It’s actually very nice. (should)
  7. You ______ ______ this way all the way to Wuhan. (can,否定)
  8. The workers ______ ______ too long to finish their work. (现在进行时)
  9. ______ you ______ medicine when you have a headache? (现在时)
  10. ______ you ever ______ a trip to Europe? (现在完成时)
  11. Marta ______ ______ an English class in the evenings. (现在进行时)
  12. Before they came to the United States, they ______ never ______ a flight on an airplane. (过去完成时)
  13. It ______ ______ long to paint the bathroom. (将来时,否定)
  14. Pictures that ______ ______ with this camera turn out a little dark. (现在时,被动)
  15. Melanie wants ______ ______ a picture of the Mall of America. (不定式)
  罗天靓 改编
“素质高考” 还有多远    由于清楚地认识到高考制度“一考定终身”、以一次考试成绩来评价并淘汰学生的弊端,教育部门陆续推出高校自主招生、高中实施综合素质评价等措施来弥补缺陷,高考改革开始在摸索中进行。  高考改革对于推进素质教育、培养高素质人才确实具有很重要的指挥棒的意义,是体现教育公平、体现社会公平的非常重要的关键点,而砍掉“独木桥”,建设“立交桥”,使更多的人能接受高等教育,是高考改革的方向
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单项填空是全国各省市高考英语必考题型之一(广东省A卷除外),它既考查考生的语言知识水平,又检测其分析和运用语言的实践能力。本文拟通过分析2008年高考试题中的单项填空题,归纳其做题思路,以期有助于同学们复习迎考。    一、利用语境答题  近年来的高考英语单项填空题,不单是考查语言规则,也不是考查语言规则的死记硬背,而是注重考查语言知识的具体运用,即将语言知识置于一定的语境中,要求考生在实际语言环
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