张峰 破解国内云服务发展难题

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建立可信云服务评估认证机制,是推动我国云计算健康发展的有效途径。7月15日至16日,2014可信云服务大会在北京国际会议中心盛大召开。本次大会由工业和信息化部指导,工信部电信研究院、中国通信标准化协会主办,数据中心联盟和云计算发展与政策论坛承办,以“可信中国云未来新生态”为主题,积极推动了国内可信云服务认证体系的建立,促进云计算产业良性发展。 Establishing trusted cloud service evaluation and certification mechanism is an effective way to promote the healthy development of cloud computing in China. From July 15 to July 16, 2014 Trusted Cloud Service Conference was grandly held in Beijing International Convention Center. This conference is under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Telecommunication Research Institute under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the China Communications Standards Association, the Data Center Alliance and the Cloud Computing Development and Policy Forum. With the theme of “Trusted Ecology” It promoted the establishment of credible cloud service certification system in China and promoted the sound development of cloud computing industry.
AIM:To evaluate the efficacy of retrograde observation of the esophagus, pharynx, larynx and lingual root. METHODS:With the beagle dog under anesthesia, the ant
Plastic stent insertion is a treatment option for pancreatic duct stricture with chronic pancreatitis.However, recurrent stricture is a limitation after removin
由国家教育部主管、上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院主办的《内科理论与实践》杂志经国家有关部门批准,于2006年7月创刊,国内外正式公开发行,先后被“中文科技 The magazine