Optimal performance of a generalized irreversible four-reservoir isothermal chemical potential trans

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SDAJFASDJFASDJFAS
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A new cyclic model of a four-reservoir isothermal chemical potential transformer with irreversible mass transfer, mass leakage and internal dissipation is put forward in this paper. The optimal relation be-tween the coefficient of performance (COP) and the rate of energy pumping of the generalized irre-versible four-reservoir isothermal chemical potential transformer has been derived by using finite-time thermodynamics or thermodynamic optimization. The maximum COP and the corresponding rate of energy pumping, as well as the maximum rate of energy pumping and the corresponding COP, have been obtained. Moreover, the influences of the irreversibility on the optimal performance of the iso-thermal chemical potential transformer have been revealed. It was found that the mass leakage affects the optimal performance both qualitatively and quantitatively, while the internal dissipation affects the optimal performance quantitatively. The results obtained herein can provide some new theoretical guidelines for the optimal design and development of a class of isothermal chemical potential trans-formers, such as mass exchangers, electrochemical, photochemical and solid state devices, fuel pumps, etc. A new cyclic model of a four-reservoir isothermal chemical potential transformer with irreversible mass transfer, mass leakage and internal dissipation is put forward in this paper. The optimal relation be-tween the coefficient of performance (COP) and the rate of energy pumping of the generalized irre-versible four-reservoir isothermal chemical potential transformer has been derived by using finite-time thermodynamics or thermodynamic optimization. The maximum COP and the corresponding rate of energy pumping, as well as the maximum rate of energy pumping and the corresponding COP, There was found that the mass leakage affects the optimal performance both qualitatively and quantitatively, while the internal dissipation affects the optimal performance quantitatively. The results obtained herein can provide some new theoretical guidelines for the optimal design and development of a class of isothermal chemical potential trans-formers, such as mass exchangers, electrochemical, photochemical and solid state devices, fuel pumps, etc.
“犬狼系列”文学作品则将萎靡、麻木的民间社会夸张为血性、荒蛮、弱肉强食的世界。这从另一角度表明,这两个世界是可以相互替换的。羊们披上狼皮也会高唱“北方的狼”,狼们批上羊皮也可宣称“我本善良”。但两者之间错位的存在,也正是当下中国文化“精神错乱”的表征。    辫子戏与盛世妄想    近年来,电视出现最多的是帝王生活系列的电视剧。表现历代清朝宫廷生活的“辫子戏”,充斥着电视荧屏。皇上、朕、皇阿玛、格
吉林省梅河口市中和镇中学始建于1958年,经过半个世纪的磨砺,现已成为梅河口市远近闻名的农村义务教育窗口学校。中和镇中学占地面积15240平米,建筑面积3120平米, Meihekou
后巩膜加固术为目前治疗超高度近视的有效方法之一[1] 。但术后行准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术 (laserinsitukeratomileusis,LASIK) ,术后屈光度的稳定性仍是眼科医师所关注的主
斗且廷见令尹子常①,子常与之语,问蓄货聚马。归以语其弟曰:“楚其亡乎!不然,令尹其不免乎!吾见令尹,令尹问蓄聚积实,如饿豺狼焉; Doo and Ting see Wanzi often ①, often
也许在每个人的内心深处,都有一个腼腆、天真、古怪得匪夷所思的憨豆先生,窥视着这个荒唐的世界    如果要列举当代影视史上最令人过目难忘的十大面孔,一副瞪着牛眼、拧着鼻子的古怪尊容想必会忝列其中的一席。你尽可以喜欢、调笑、蔑视甚至厌恶这张皱巴巴的胖脸,但谁都不能否认,我们经常在人生的各个角落与其不期而遇:百无聊赖的飞机节目、画质粗糙的长途汽车VCD、有线电视的垃圾时段是的,这张有着智障嫌疑的英国