我院是为爱辉区13个乡镇,20个农林牧场,17万人口提供医疗、预防、保健、康复服务的综合性医院。现有职工270人,其中高级职称18人。设床位200张,职能科室9个、临床科室12个、医技科室11个。年均住院病人3450人次,门诊量9万多人次。1996年被评为二级甲等医院。几年来我们具体抓了以下几项工作,收到较好的效果。1 领导重视,组织健全 成立了职业道德和纠正行业作风建设领导小组。院长主抓任组长,党总支书记任副组长、职能科室主任为成员。全院以党总支为核心,工、青、妇等群团组织齐抓共管,形成了领导抓、抓领导,部门抓、抓部门,反复抓、抓反复,一级带动一级干,一级干给一级看的新局面。2 加强教育,提高认识 组织职工认真学习邓小平理论,认真学习、贯彻党的各项方针政策,进行医德教育、爱国主义、集体主义教育、社会主义法制教育。
Our hospital is a comprehensive hospital providing medical treatment, prevention, health care and rehabilitation services for 13 townships, 20 agriculture and forestry ranches and 170,000 people in Aihui District. The existing 270 employees, including 18 senior titles. There are 200 beds, 9 functional departments, 12 clinical departments, and 11 medical technical departments. The annual average number of hospitalized patients is 3,450, and the number of outpatients is more than 90,000. In 1996 it was rated as Class A hospital. In the past few years we have specifically grasped the following tasks and received good results. 1 Leaders attach great importance to organizational integrity Establish a leading group for professional ethics and correcting the construction of industry style. The dean grabs the leader of the team, the deputy leader of the Party branch secretary and the director of the functional department are members. The hospital took the party general branch as its core, and organized groups of industry, youth, and women to work together to form a leader and grasp the leadership; the department grasped and grasped the departments; The level of dryness gives a new look. 2 Strengthen Education and Raise Awareness Organize employees to conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping Theory, conscientiously study and implement the Party’s various principles and policies, conduct medical ethics education, patriotism, collectivism education, and socialist legal education.