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近年来,群体性事件频频发生,并有恶性演变的趋势,如何预防和处置新时期群体性事件是各级政府及公安机关当前所面临的重要课题。在群体性事件的处置中,警察会因为种种原因产生一些消极的心理状态,给工作带来了一定的负面的影响。了解这些消极心理状态可能带来的不良后果,有针对性地培养良好的心理品质,对提高群体性事件的处置中警察的战斗力具有一定的意义。 In recent years, the mass incidents have occurred frequently and have the tendency of vicious evolution. How to prevent and handle the mass incidents in the new period is an important issue facing all levels of government and public security organs. In the handling of mass incidents, the police will have some negative psychological states for various reasons, which will have a negative impact on the work. Understanding the negative consequences that these negative psychological states may bring and developing a good psychological quality in a targeted manner are of some significance for improving the combat effectiveness of the police in the handling of mass incidents.
2月13日,孝感市委书记黄关春、市委副书记李亚隆、市委常委、秘书长彭桃安、市委常委刘义明一行专程到市档案局(馆)拜年,并提出,档案部门在融入城市 On February 13, Huang
也许是多看了一眼,它赋予一切以一种盎然的生机与宁静下的活力,使我的思想达到了一种奇异的深沉的境界。 Perhaps it took a second glance. It gave all life with vitalit
鸡西市档案局(馆)成立于1973年6月12日,现有人员22人,内设综合科、档案业务指导科、法制宣传教育科、档案管理科。 Jixi Archives Bureau (Museum) was established on June
新年伊始,宜昌市人大常委会副主任邹正金一行5人到档案局馆视察。邹正金一行详细了解了全自动消防、红外线监控 At the beginning of the new year, Zou Zhengjin, deputy d
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1. A Clever ReplyA: My wife doesn’ t appreciate me. Doesyours? B: I don’ t know. I’ ve never heard hermention your name. 1. A Clever ReplyA: My wife doesn
青春——孩童眼中美丽的童话,老人心中珍贵的回忆,并非日日晴空万里,其中的风风雨雨,又有谁知晓? Youth - The beautiful fairy tale in the eyes of a child. The preciou