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6月20日,胡锦涛总书记考察《人民日报》社并作重要讲话,讲话高屋建瓴、内涵丰富,是新时期做好新闻宣传工作的纲领性文献。讲话发表后,全国广播电视系统认真组织学习.积极贯彻落实。为推动这一学习贯彻活动,编辑部约请国家广电总局领导和学界、业界的同志撰写学习体会文章。本期《聚焦》栏目刊发了国家广电总局副局长胡占凡、清华大学教授熊澄宇、中宣部改革办马晶、海南广播电视总台孔德明、广西广电局徐磊撰写的文章。为配合《聚焦》栏目,本刊编辑部陈富清同志撰写了题为《把提高舆论引导能力放在突出位置》的评论员文章。胡占凡副局长的文章从努力提高广播电视舆论引导能力这一总书记讲话的灵魂与核心的视角,深刻分析阐述了讲话的现实与历史意义,并就如何贯彻落实讲话精神,提高舆论引导能力提了四方面的要求:一、全面、正确认识当前舆论引导的新形势、新情况;二、抓住重点,进一步提高主流媒体舆论引导能力;三、坚持以人为本,增强新闻报道的亲和力、吸引力和感染力;四、尊重新闻宣传和广播电视传播规律,提高舆论引导能力。 On June 20, General Secretary Hu Jintao inspected the “People’s Daily” newspaper and made important speeches. His speech is of high-spirited nature and rich in content. It is a programmatic document for doing a good job in public information work in the new era. After the speech was published, the national radio and television system conscientiously organized and learned, and actively implemented it. To promote this learning and implementing activities, the editorial department asked the State Administration of SARFT leaders and academics, industry comrades to write learning experience articles. In this issue of “Focusing”, Hu Zhanfan, deputy director of the State Administration of Radio Film and Television, Xiong Chengyu, a professor at Tsinghua University, Ma Jing, director of the Reform Office of the Central Propaganda Department, Kong Deming, chief of Hainan Radio and Television Bureau, and Xu Lei, director of Guangxi Radio and Television Bureau, were all published. In line with the “Focus” section, Comrade Chen Fuqing, our editorial board, wrote a commentator’s article titled “Improving the Guidance of Public Opinions in a Prominent Position.” From the perspective of the soul and core of the general secretary’s speech aimed at enhancing the capability of guiding public opinion in radio and television, the article by Deputy Director Hu Zhanfan profoundly analyzed and expounded the reality and historical significance of the speech and gave suggestions on how to implement the spirit of the speech and enhance the guidance capacity of public opinion Four requirements: First, a comprehensive and correct understanding of the current situation of new media guidance, new situation; Second, seize the key points to further enhance the mainstream media media guidance capacity; Third, adhere to the people-oriented, enhance the affinity of the news report, attraction and infection Fourth, respects the laws of press propaganda and radio and television broadcasting, and enhances the guidance of public opinion.
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  通过对古城三维地震资料的解析,对古城地区寒武系、奥陶系地层中走滑断裂进行识别和断裂特征研究,研究结果认为该区主要发育多排NE 向的走滑断裂,少量NW 和NNE 向走滑断裂,主
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