Dynamic analysis of tethered space system deployment process

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjun198
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Discusses in detail the deploying strategies and feature of the motion of the Tethered Space System and the effects of some parameters, such as the property and initial length of the tether, the perturbation of the atmosphere, the ellipse of the orbit and the mass distribution of the system and points out the deploying strategy is based on the controlling of tension and the length of tether. And concludes from the computer simulation results of a tethered atmosphere probing satellite deployment that the deploying strategy presented does work well. Discusses in detail the deploying strategies and feature of the motion of the Tethered Space System and the effects of some parameters, such as the the property and initial length of the tether, the perturbation of the atmosphere, the ellipse of the orbit and the mass distribution of the system and points out the deploying strategy is based on the controlling of tension and the length of tether. And concludes from the computer simulation results of a tethered atmosphere probing satellite deployment that the deploying strategy presented does work well.
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