
来源 :歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhm0510
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为贯彻落实党的“十七大”提出的文艺创作大发展、大繁荣的文件精神,歌唱改革开放三十年来的巨大成就,由山东德州市艺术馆、德州市音乐家协会、河北沧州市音乐文学学会两地词、曲作家共同联手组织了名为“故乡的风——大平原音乐创作笔会”的跨省创作活动,创作出了一批歌唱家乡的歌曲作品。这些作品中有直抒胸臆的赞美;有游子思乡的感叹;有委婉细腻的吟唱。作者中有老当益壮的长者,也有年富力强的中青年。热辣辣的乡土风扑面而来,浓烈烈的乡土情撩拨情怀,无论是听到,还是看到都会真真切切地让人感受到今日故乡“乡亲们的新生活甜了好日月,酒杯里的心里话美了好心情”的舒心、开心、顺心。 In order to implement the spirit of documentary development and prosperity of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and sing the tremendous achievements in the three decades since the reform and opening up, the project was organized by the Dezhou City Art Museum, Texas City Musicians Association, Cangzhou, Hebei City Music and Literature Society of the two places, song writers together jointly organized called “hometown of wind - Great Plains music pens ” of the inter-provincial creation activities, created a number of song hometown song works. There are straightforward expressions of praise in these works; sighs of wandering homesickness; euphemistic and delicate singing. Among the older and stronger elders, there are also young and middle-aged who are young and energetic. Hot and spicy local atmosphere blowing, strong local affectionate love, whether it is heard, or see will really make people feel today’s hometown “sweetheart new life sweetheart, the glass The heart of the United States a good mood ”comfortable, happy, smooth heart.
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