从“瘦身”到“健美” 我省代表高度评价政府机构改革

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3月10日上午,十届全国人大一次会议第三次全体会议表决通过了国务院机构改革方案。我省代表一致认为,这次机构改革虽然面不大,但涉及到要害部位,可谓牵一发而动全身,是适应政治体制改革要求,推进机构改革向纵深发展的实质性举措。这表明,国家机构改革已从单纯的“加减法”变为复杂“成本运算”。已经历数次“瘦身”的中国政府机构终于在21世纪的第三个春天以“健美”的形象示人:精干、高效、透明而又“以人为本”。在接受记者采访时,赵炳辉、于力等代表认为,这次机构改革的最大亮点,是突出加强了监督和监管力度。带有“监督”二字的机构“大出风头”。一个“具有特殊性质”的国务院直属的正部级特设机构——国务院国有资产监督管理委员会隆重登场,作为这轮改革的头号内容;又从央行里拆分出了另外一个“监督管理委员会”—— On the morning of March 10, the 3rd Plenary Session of the First Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress voted to pass the program of the State Council’s institutional reform. The representative of our province unanimously held that although the reform of this institution is not large, the key areas involved can be described as a whole. It is a substantial move to adapt to the requirements of the political system reform and promote the institutional reform to develop in depth. This shows that the reform of state institutions has changed from a simple “addition and subtraction” to a complex “cost calculation.” The Chinese government agencies that have experienced “slimming” for many years finally showed their image of “fitness” in the third spring of the 21st century: lean, efficient, transparent and “people-oriented.” In an interview with reporters, Zhao Binghui, Yu Li and other representatives believed that the biggest highlight of this institutional reform is to highlight the strengthening of supervision and supervision. With “supervision ” the body of the word “limelight ”. A “special nature” of the State Council directly under the ad hoc agencies - the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission grand debut, as the number one round of reform, and split from the central bank in another Management Committee "-
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