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在金融风暴威胁下的艺术品寒流中,上海秋拍却不断地冲出黑马,工美秋拍近乎100%的成交验证了市场信心,在即将出台的上海德盛国石拍卖会又给市场带来了利好的消息,德盛公司具有怎样的拍卖理念?本场国石拍卖又有哪些亮点?本刊采访了上海德盛拍卖公司王歆昱,投行出身的王歆昱从另一种角度解读拍卖,他说:“拍卖是一种信托责任,我们要把拍卖当作信托业来经营。”他非常专业地提出“资源性收藏品”的概念,可以说由经济学理论产生的“资源性收藏品”的概念将是他带领德盛团队长期致力推动的收藏理念,而本场拍卖会他们精心编排的拍卖图录也极其考究精美,透过这些,使我们欣喜地看到一家冷静而善于思考的公司在严冬季节为这个市场倾注的心血,德盛公司则表示不在乎心血的付出,只希望藏友们有最满意的收获。他们从寿山石起步开始了坚毅执着的探索,也许他们的足迹会告诉我们许许多多值得深思的话题…… In the cold storm of artwork under the financial crisis, Shanghai Autumn Auction constantly out of darkness, nearly 100% of the Autumn Auction of the United States confirmed the market confidence in the upcoming Shanghai Dresdner National Stone auction will bring to the market Good news, the company has what kind of Dresdner auction concept? What is the bright spot in this stone auction? This article interviewed Shanghai Dyson auction company Wang Xin Yu, Wang Xin Yu from an investment bank interpretation of the auction from another perspective, he said: “The auction is a fiduciary duty and we want to run the auction as a trust business.” “He made a very professional presentation of the concept of” resource collectibles, “arguably the” resource collection “produced by economic theory The concept of ”品 品" will be the collection philosophy that he led the long-term ded team to promote, and their carefully auctioned auction catalogs at this auction are extremely exquisite. Through these, we are delighted to see a calm and good at Reflections on the company in the winter season devoted to this market, Desheng company said it does not care effort, only hope that the Tibetan friends have the most satisfactory harvest. They started their perseverant exploration from Shoushan Stone, and perhaps their footprints would tell us a lot of topics worth pondering ...
杨建平,男,生于1965年,中共党员,重庆涪陵人,硕士,重庆工贸职业技术学院财经贸易系主任,教授,涪陵区优秀教师,涪陵区专业带头人,主要从事财经专业教学与研究。 Yang Jianpin
【摘要】目前,英语教学大多以终结性评价为主,评价主体、内容、方法单一,有必要进行改革。本文以综合英语教学为例,利用网络教学平台,在课堂教学中应用形成性评价,以期提高教学效果,提升学生综合素质。  【关键词】形成性评价 毕博平台 应用效果 综合英语  现代社会提倡以人为本、素质教育和创新发展。现代课堂应该运用现代信息技术,不断开放教学内容,共享教学资源,优化教学评价,创新人才培养。  一、基于毕博平