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岁月如流,星移斗转,时间跨越了好几个年代。“老三届”,这批当年上山下乡,在广阔天地里战天斗地,经历了无数个风风雨雨的年轻人,今天,都已步入了不惑、乃至天命之年。在科学技术高速发展,市场经济竞争剧烈之时,他们已经过了长身体、长知识、学文化的年龄,其中大多数人,文化程度不高,就业年龄过大,身体也每况愈下。特别是国内经济体制改革、企业转轨等因素,大批“老三届”离开了自己的工作岗位,面临着十分尴尬的局面。 如何面对当前这种进退两难的处境,这是“老三届”们遇到的新问题。本文作者的想法和做法,可供我们大家借鉴和参考。 Time flies, Star bucket, time spanning several generations. “The Third Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the group went to the mountains and went to the countryside to go to the mountains and go to the countryside to fight in war-torn earth in the vast world. Having experienced countless ups and downs of the young people, today they have entered a period of perplexity and even the destiny. At a time of rapid development of science and technology and fierce competition in the market economy, they have passed the age of growing body, educated people and learning culture. Most of them have a low level of education, are over-employed and their health is deteriorating. In particular, due to such factors as the reform of the domestic economic system and the transformation of enterprises, a large number of ”old“ members have left their jobs and are facing a very awkward situation. How to face the current dilemma in this dilemma is a new issue encountered by the ”third" session. The author’s ideas and practices for this article for all of us for reference and reference.
本文从贵州省第十次党代会有关教育和职教的论述精神出发,结合实际情况,分析了铜仁地区高职教育的现状,提出了在党代会精神指引下,进一步发展职业教育的若干意见。 Based on
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