
来源 :大连医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenweihong2008
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已往实验表明,中脑中央灰质是脑内一个重要的痛觉调制结构。我们采用损毁大白鼠中脑中央灰质的方法,观察中央灰质对针刺镇痛效应的影响。本工作以电刺激大白鼠尾部引起的甩尾和嘶叫作为痛反应指标。实验共分三组:(1)对照组;(2)单侧电解损毁中脑中央灰质组;(3)双侧电解损毁中脑中央灰质组。在40只大白鼠身_丘共进行了21D次实验。结果表明,对照组动物在模拟手术前后电针时痛闭增量之间的差异无显意义(P>0.D5),这表明模拟手术没有影响对照组动物的针刺镇痛效应。单侧,双侧中央灰质损毁组的动物,在损毁前,电针时的痛阂均值明显升高(r<0.01),但在损毁中央灰质后,针效显明下降(P<0.01)。损毁组的针效与对照组在模拟手术后的针效相比较,差异非常显著(P<0.01)。经组织切片检查,损毁部位分别在中央灰质的外侧及腹外侧部。本研究证明损毁一侧或两侧中央灰质后,电针镇痛效应明显减弱,说明中脑中央灰质参与针刺镇痛过程的实现。 Previous experiments have shown that central gray matter in the brain is an important structure of pain modulation in the brain. We used to damage the rat middle cerebral gray matter method to observe the effect of central gray on the acupuncture analgesic effect. This work to stimulate rats tail tail flick and neighing as a pain response index. The experiment was divided into three groups: (1) control group; (2) unilateral electrolytic damage in the middle cerebral gray matter group; (3) bilateral electrolytic damage in the central cerebral gray matter group. A total of 21 D experiments were performed in 40 rats. The results showed that there was no significant difference (P> 0.D5) between control group animals before and after electro-acupuncture analgesia, indicating that simulated surgery did not affect the acupuncture analgesic effect in the control group. In unilateral and bilateral central gray matter damage group, the mean value of pain threshold in electroacupuncture group was significantly increased (r <0.01), but the acupuncture efficacy was significantly decreased after the central gray matter was destroyed (P <0.01). There was a significant difference in acupuncture efficacy between the damaged group and the control group after simulated surgery (P <0.01). Tissue biopsy, damaged parts of the central gray matter in the lateral and ventral lateral. This study shows that the damage of one or both sides of the central gray matter, the electroacupuncture analgesic effect was significantly reduced, indicating that the central brain gray matter involved in the acupuncture analgesic process.
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