
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scenery747
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With the development of the Accelerator-Driver-System (ADS) for transmutation of nuclear waste or energy production, the studies of the spallation reaction have recently been made of various application. For example, projects for intense neutron sources based on proton incident spallation reaction have been proposed in Europe, the USA and Japan. Many experimental groups have performed the proton-induced experimental measurement, Meier and Amian both measured the neutron production double di erential cross section of lead by 256 and 800 MeV protons in 1992[1, 2]. The methods of two experiments are time of fight, and detectors of two experiments both are scintillators. The data of neutron production double differential cross section can be retrieved from internet as form of EXFOR. With the development of the Accelerator-Driver-System (ADS) for transmutation of nuclear waste or energy production, the studies of the spallation reaction have recently been made of various applications. For example, projects for intense neutron sources based on proton incident spallation reaction have been proposed in Europe, the USA and Japan. Many experimental groups have performed the proton-induced experimental measurement, Meier and Amian both measured the neutron production double di erential cross section of the lead by 256 and 800 MeV protons in 1992 [1, 2 The methods of two experiments are time of fight, and detectors of two experiments both are scintillators. The data of neutron production double differential cross section can be retrieved from internet as form of EXFOR.
The FINEMET(FeCuNbSiB)alloy,in its amorphous and nanocrystalline states,has been the focus of many studies due to their extensive technological application[1].
[摘 要] 通过问卷调查进行实证研究,对高职院校学生创业能力的现状进行分析,并提出提升创业能力的有效途径。  [关 键 词] 高职;创业;现状分析  [中图分类号] G715 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)25-0015-01  随着高等教育普及化,大学生就业已成为一个亟待解决的社会问题。为缓解这一矛盾,政府和教育部门大力推进高校创新创业教育和大学生自主创业工作。
In this paper,three kinds of cermet particles with different binder phase and content,namely WC-12Co,WC-17Co and Cr3C2-25NiCr were deposited on the Q235 low car
摘 要:近年来农村新市民子女教育问题得到了广泛重视,但对于该类潜质学生的教育教学却没得到应有的重视。为此,就农村初中新市民子女潜质学生的教育问题进行了研究。  关键词:新市民子女;潜质学生;教学  农村新市民子女潜质学生由于方方面面的原因,在学习效果上不尽如人意,这就需要我们老师采取针对性的策略,提高这部分学生的学习效率。以下是本文对此问题的几点探究,仅供参考。  一、制订针对性的教学目标  教学
一、前言我厂使用的氧压机是杭州制氧机厂八十年代初期生产配套的 ZTY-167/0.2-30.4-V 型透平氧压机,为双缸十级水平剖分式离心压缩机.空分装置生产的低压氧气经氧压机压缩到