
来源 :黑龙江农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:VIPT250
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澳大利亚塔库拉灌溉研究发现,在小麦的灌溉水中掺入十万分之五的钙能减轻土壤团粒结构的破坏,增加土壤的通透性,改善小麦根系生长的环境条件,促进根系更好地吸收水分和养分,可以使小麦产量增加一倍。他们用这种方法灌溉小麦,结合施用足够量的磷肥和氮 The study of Takula irrigation in Australia found that incorporation of five hundred thousandths of calcium in the irrigation water of wheat reduced the destruction of soil aggregate structure, increased the permeability of the soil, improved the environmental conditions for wheat root growth and promoted the root system better Absorbing moisture and nutrients can double wheat yield. They use this method of irrigating wheat in combination with a sufficient amount of phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen
Since traditional fault tolerance methods of electronic systems are based on redundant fault tolerance technique,and their structures are fixed when circuits ar
1984—1986年连续三年进行了甘薯区域试验,第一年6个试点,第二年10个、笫三年9个试点,结果综合简报如下: 试验方法参试品种桂薯72—105,桂薯74—362,徐薯18,晋薯70—13,莆薯
This paper proposes a novel less-conservative non-monotonic Lyapunov-Krasovskii stability approach for stability analysis of discrete time-delay systems.In this
一、试验方法及材料供试材料共321份,分别种于网室和田间两个鉴定圃。 1.网室鉴定圃:供试重点高代材料共71份,于11月20日播种,每品种播2行,每20个品种设苏麦3号、扬麦1号一
The recycling of construction and demolition waste (CDW) remains an urgent problem to be solved.In the industry,raw CDW needs to be manually sorted.To achieve h
目的 观察针刺阿是穴动刺法治疗肩周炎的临床疗效.方法 将70例肩周炎患者随机分为治疗组35例和对照组35例.治疗组的取穴 、留针时间 、针刺手法等均与对照组完全相同,只是增