2014年,青浦区经努力,全区单位地区增加值能耗实现下降5.5%,超额完成下降2.5%的人代会目标,全区生活污水处理率达到85%,二氧化硫前四年累计完成削减29.3%。同时,全区完成产业结构调整项目427项,调整土地面积4 828亩,完成年度任务的127%。近日,青浦区召开会议部署落实各项节能减排工作,要求各街镇、各部门切实控制好煤炭消费总量、污染物排放总量,继续抓好工业、建筑、交通
In 2014, with efforts, Qingpu District achieved a 5.5% reduction in energy consumption per unit of value added in the region, surpassing the target of meeting people’s congresses by 2.5%. The domestic sewage treatment rate of the whole district reached 85% and that of sulfur dioxide reduced by 29.3 in the first four years %. At the same time, the region completed 427 industrial restructuring projects, adjusting 4,828 mu of land and completing 127% of annual tasks. Recently, Qingpu District, convened to implement the arrangements for the implementation of energy-saving emission reduction work, requiring all towns and departments to effectively control the total amount of coal consumption, total pollutant emissions, continue to grasp the industry, construction, transportation