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根据上海交通大学和柏林工业大学校际协议,上海交通大学、机械工业部大连组合机床研究所和柏林工业大学于四月十七日至二十日在上海交通大学联合举办了“计算机辅助工程学术讨论会”。中外双方对这次会议都很重视,上海市刘振元副市长、德意志联邦共和国驻上海总领事韩德克先生和上海交通大学校长翁史烈教授、柏林工业大学校长斯坦奈克教授、大连组合机床研究所韩惠孚副所长出席了会议并致词,参加会议的中外人士达三百余人。我国和柏林工业大学的学者及工程技术人员在会上共宣读了五十二篇有关金属切削、采矿、微电子、船舶、缝纫机和液压等行业方面的计算机辅助设计、计算机辅助制造和工业机器人等方面的论文。柏林工业大学机床与制造工艺研究所所长施普尔教授在全体会议上作了“制造厂的远景”的学术报告,分析了工业生产结构的演变过程及其与政治、经济、 According to the inter-school agreement between Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Berlin Polytechnic University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dalian Institute of Machine Tool Industry of the Ministry of Machinery Industry and Berlin Polytechnic University jointly organized “Computer Aided Engineering discussion”. Both the Chinese and foreign parties attached great importance to this meeting. Vice Mayor Liu Zhenyuan of Shanghai Municipality, Han Deke, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Shanghai, Professor Weng Shi Lie, President of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Professor Stannanek, President of Berlin Polytechnic University, and Vice President Han Huifu of Dalian Institute of Machine Tools Long attended the meeting and delivered speeches to attend the meeting of more than 300 Chinese and foreign people. At the conference, 52 scholars and engineers from Berlin Technical University introduced a total of 52 computer aided design, computer aided manufacturing and industrial robots in the fields of metal cutting, mining, microelectronics, shipbuilding, sewing machines and hydraulics Papers. Prof. Jack Scholler, director of the Institute of Machine Tool and Process Technology at the Technical University of Berlin, gave an academic report entitled “The Prospect of the Manufacturing Plant” in the plenary session and analyzed the evolution of the industrial production structure and its relationship with the political, economic,
On September 13th,2007 to respond to increasing de-mand for copolyester(Polyethylene Terephtalate Glycolor PETG)sheets in Asia,Laserlite Australia has launched
According to the analysis on the dataprovided by the National Bureau of Sta-tistics of China,there were 3 029 enter-prises with considerable scale(referringto
“互联网时代,让每个人彰显本性。你是什么样的人,看看你的微博你的微信,便可知道个大概。而过去,判斷一个人,靠什么?档案、组织、领导、单位。这四样东西都极不靠谱。另外,互联网也让每个平凡的人有更多机会脱颖而出。因为没有任何东西可以遮蔽个性、品格、创意和才华。人可以直立行走解放双手、蒸汽机发明、互联网普及,是人类三大革命,这是我个人的观察和总结。”  这是我前几天发的一条“朋友圈”。发完之后我就想起两