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近代以降,中外商通,香山居地域之利,得风气之先,买办阶层最先兴起。他们躬身中西贸易,内化了“商战”的理念,揭橥了近代“工业化”的真谛,成为晚清及民初“工商立(救)国”的有力倡导者和实践者,是为中国早期近代化运动的先驱。香山买办感悟西方文明的优长,寻找中西之间的差距,为缩短中西方文明的差距架桥铺路。通过实践与总结,中体西用与经世致用互动升华,逐渐成为知识商人群体中的新生力量,重置了传统中国“士农工商”的社会排位格局。他们兼融中西文化内涵,凸显“中西合璧”的韵味,改变了中国社会心理与价值取向,在“中转”欧西文明的同时,潜移默化地向西方传播了中华文化的精华,充当了中西文化交流的前驱和中介,对近代中国的经济发展、社会变革和文化移植起了首开风气的重要作用。他们关注民族的前途和命运,揭示了中国近代化的路向,不失为由传统向近代转型的急先锋。 In the modern times, Chinese and foreign trade, Xiangshan Habitat geographical advantage, the trend of the first, the comprador class first rise. They bent on the trade between China and the West and internalized the notion of “commercial warfare,” exposing the essence of modern “industrialization” and becoming a powerful proponent of “state power” in the late Qing and early Republican China Practitioner is a pioneer of China’s early modernization. Xiangshan comprador comprehend the superiority of Western civilization, looking for the gap between China and the West, in order to shorten the gap between Western civilization and pave the way. Through practice and conclusion, CIMIC West has gradually become the new force in the group of knowledge merchants by means of interaction and sublimation through the use of the world. It has reset the social ranking pattern of the traditional Chinese “sir farming”. They blend the Chinese and Western cultures, highlighting the charm of “Chinese and Western cultures,” changing the Chinese social psychology and value orientation. Simultaneously with the “transit” of the Western and Eastern European civilizations, they subtly spread the essence of Chinese culture to the West and acted as the The predecessors and intermediaries of the cultural exchanges between China and the West have played an important and pioneering role in the economic development, social changes and cultural transplantation in modern China. Concerned with the future and destiny of the nation, they have revealed the road of China’s modernization and are the vanguards of the transformation from tradition to modern times.
经过3年的研究,根据虫口密度,叶片被害率与枣树产量以及被害枣树的经济损失的关系,确定枣大球蚧Eulecanium gigantea(Shinji)的防治指标为10头/10cm^2叶片,实践证明该指标切实可行。
<正> 1942年首次报告了在麻风慢性溃疡上出现鳞状细胞癌(SCC),直至1964年在印度4个病人的病历的一篇文章中又再次论及麻风慢性溃疡的 SCC。以后在有关本题方面已发表了几篇文