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在遥感与GIS技术支持下,以2006、2007、2009、2010年Landsat-5/TM影像与2008年的CBERS/CCD影像为主要数据源,获得5a的植被/非植被类型图。在此基础上,提取并归纳5a间的植被变化轨迹:恒定植被、恒定非植被、转变为植被、转变为非植被、非稳定变化。利用景观格局分析软件FRAGSTATS 3.3计算了变化轨迹景观格局的3种景观指标。结果表明,2006—2010年植被面积减小,主要因为生态输水量减小、输水间隔较大,导致草本植被、乔灌木幼苗死亡;恒定非植被的比重最大,表明非植被类型是研究区的基质,其次是转变为非植被的比重,说明5a间植被的衰退程度要强于恢复程度;转变为植被与非稳定变化两种类型属于过渡性植被变化类型,受生态输水量、分布的制约严重;各种变化轨迹类型的形状规则较为稳定,其中以恒定非植被类型最稳定而非稳定变化类型最不稳定。 With the support of remote sensing and GIS technology, we took the Landsat-5 / TM images of 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010 and the CBERS / CCD images of 2008 as the main data sources to obtain the vegetation / non-vegetation type map of 5a. On this basis, the vegetation change trajectories of 5 years are extracted and summarized: constant vegetation, constant non-vegetation, vegetation change, non-vegetation change, and unsteady changes. Using landscape pattern analysis software FRAGSTATS 3.3, three kinds of landscape indexes of landscape pattern of changing trajectory were calculated. The results showed that the area of ​​vegetation decreased from 2006 to 2010, mainly due to the decrease of ecological water conveyance and large water conveyance interval, which led to the death of herbaceous plants and shrubs and shrubs. The proportion of non-vegetation was the largest, indicating that the non-vegetation type was the study area , Followed by the proportion of non-vegetation, indicating that the degree of decline of vegetation in 5a is better than the degree of restoration. The change of vegetation and non-steady change is the type of transitional vegetation, which is controlled by the amount and distribution of ecological water Serious; the shape rules of various types of change trajectories are relatively stable, of which the most unstable type of stable non-steady change is the most unstable type.
用反应性试剂 (TDI/蓖麻油预聚体 )对热塑性淀粉材料 (TPS)表面进行了疏水化处理。研究了预聚体与 TPS表面的反应性、涂层的疏水性能以及涂层的形貌。红外光谱 (IR)分析结果