
来源 :中国历史地理论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pgglankejianxin
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根据明代李日华的《味水轩日记》和项鼎铉的《呼桓日记》中有关浙江嘉兴地区的夏季天气、感应记录,重建了1609-1615年夏季嘉兴地区的降水序列,并确定其梅雨期的入梅和出梅时间。据此,对上述年份梅雨进行了分类,其降水在雨期开始、结束日期和持续时间等特征上与现代浙江北部地区的梅雨特征均存在一定差异。进而根据地方志中的旱涝灾害情况,分析了梅雨特征与长江中下游地区旱涝的关系,二者虽然有密切关系,但不是完全意义上的契合,甚至有些年份完全相反。这对于了解小冰期前期的梅雨活动和特征以及与长江中下游地区旱涝状况均具有重要意义。 Based on the summer weather in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province recorded by Li Rihua in the Ming Dynasty and the book Huanghuan Diary by Xiang Ding, the precipitation series in the summer of Jiaxing from 1609 to 1615 were reconstructed and the rainy season Into the plum and plum time. Accordingly, the plum rains were classified in the above years, and their precipitation had some differences with the characteristics of the plum rains in the northern part of Zhejiang province at the beginning of the rainy season, the ending date and the duration. Furthermore, according to the situation of droughts and floods in local chronicles, the relationship between the characteristics of the rainy season and the droughts and floods in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is analyzed. Although there is a close relationship between the two, it is not a complete agreement or even the opposite in some years. This is of great significance for understanding the activities and characteristics of the Pre-Little Meiyu during the Little Ice Age and the conditions of droughts and floods in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
现年46岁的亿万富豪阿列克谢·莫尔达索夫(Alexey Mordashov)是总部位于莫斯科的俄罗斯谢韦尔钢铁公司(Severstal)的首席执行官,他对美国汽车之都底特律抱有非常坚定的信心。
6月17日,广东省重大建设项目档案工作经验交流会在广州召开,全省各地级以上市档案局分管领导、省直和中央驻粤有关单位分管领导和档案部门负责人以及在广东境 On June 17, t
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