
来源 :西南古籍研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weihome
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独特的气候条件及区域位置优势,使云南历史上物产盛出,品种多样,可谓种植与野生并存,饲养与天然共存,原生与外来互补。借助物产史料,可以分析研究当时云南区域经济、政治制度、赋役制度、民风异俗、逸闻趣事等状况。但因时光流逝,辗转传抄,物产史料散见诸志,呈现“小”、“窄”、“偏”、“少”之不足,致使今天对云南物产背景研究缺乏第一手的史料依据。本课题从现存有关云南志书入手,重新辑录整理,汇为大系,旨从纵向找寻云南物产史源,横向依托不同志书对同一物产的记述变化,全方位、多角度反映不同历史时期物产演变过程和特点价值,探寻一些稀有物种的消长变化,以及外来物种对本土经济发展的影响,从而对云南物产阶段性发展和特殊地域性分布,有更为清晰的综合性立体认识,为开发云南经济提供真实有据的史料基础,同时在实践中,体现史学大师陈垣先生“勿信人之言,人实诳汝”的史源学态度。 Unique climatic conditions and the advantages of the location of the region, so that the history of Yunnan Sheng products, species diversity, can be described as planting and wild coexistence, feeding and coexistence of natural and native complement each other. With the historical data of property, we can analyze and study the status of Yunnan’s regional economy, political system, taxation system, popular customs, anecdotes and anecdotes at the time. However, due to the passage of time, it has been reported that there is a lack of research on the background of Yunnan property because of the shortcomings of “small”, “narrow”, “partial” and “less” First-hand historical basis. This topic starts with the extant Yunnan Zhishi, re-editing and reorganization, the Department for the large system, aiming to find the source of the history of Yunnan property vertically, horizontally relying on different records on the same property changes, all-round, multi-angle reflect the different historical periods of property Evolution process and characteristic value of rare species to explore the growth and decline of some rare species as well as the impact of alien species on the local economy so as to have a more clear and comprehensive understanding of the phased development and special geographical distribution of Yunnan’s products. In the meantime, the economy provides a well-founded basis for historical materials. At the same time, in practice, it embodies the historiography attitude of Mr. Chen Yuan, historian of masters of history, and “Do not Believe in Words, Real People Ru Ru”.
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