Dislocation-mediated creep process in nanocrystalline Cu

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forgauss
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Nanocrystalline Cu with average grain sizes ranging from ~ 24.4 to 131.3 nm were prepared by the electric brushplating technique.Nanoindentation tests were performed within a wide strain rate range,and the creep process of nanocrystalline Cu during the holding period and its relationship to dislocation and twin structures were examined.It was demonstrated that creep strain and creep strain rate are considerably significant for smaller grain sizes and higher loading strain rates,and are far higher than those predicted by the models of Cobble creep and grain boundary sliding.The analysis based on the calculations and experiments reveals that the significant creep deformation arises from the rapid absorption of high density dislocations stored in the loading regime.Our experiments imply that stored dislocations during loading are highly unstable and dislocation activity can proceed and lead to significant post-loading plasticity. Nanocrystalline Cu with average grain sizes ranging from ~ 24.4 to 131.3 nm were prepared by the electric brush plating technique. Nanoindentation tests were performed within a wide strain rate range, and the creep process of nanocrystalline Cu during the holding period and its relationship to dislocation and twin structures were examined that was quite significant for smaller grain sizes and higher loading strain rates, and are far higher than those predicted by the models of Cobble creep and grain boundary sliding. analysis based on the calculations and experiments reveals that the significant creep deformation arises from the rapid absorption of high density dislocations stored in the loading regime. Our experiments imply that stored dislocations during loading are highly unstable and dislocation activity can proceed and lead to significant post-loading plasticity.
奶奶从农村老家来看孙子小明,多日不见,孙子长大了,长高了,懂事了,还一口一个“奶奶”亲昵地叫着,奶奶心里像吃了蜜糖一样,甭提有多高兴了。奶奶的到来,给全家人带来了快 G
华亦菲,3岁,上安徽省淮南市田家庵区第三幼儿园小班。 [家长的话] 因我自己是搞幼教工作的,又三十岁才得女,所以不由得在孩子身上倾注了更多的希望。女儿一岁多点的时候,我
陶行知先生当校长的时候,有一天看到一位男生用砖头砸同学,便将其制止并叫他到校长办公室去。当陶校长回到办公室时,男孩已经等在那里了。  陶行知掏出一颗糖给这位同学:“这是奖励你的,因为你比我先到办公室。”接着他又掏出一颗糖,说:“这也是给你的,我不让你打同学,你立即住手了,说明你尊重我。”  男孩将信将疑地接过第二颗糖,陶先生又说道:“据我了解,你打同学是因为他欺负女生,这说明你很有正义感,我再奖励