7月3日,中航勘察设计研究院召开庆祝大会,隆重纪念建院50周年。党委书记兼常务副院长陈昌富同志作了题为《同舟共济,继往开来,为航勘院新世纪的腾飞而奋斗》的报告。他回顾了50年来航勘院所取得的辉煌成就,号召全体职工树立起忧患意识、大局意识、责任意识、开拓创新意识,大力弘扬“团结、实干、高效、创新”的航勘精神,紧紧围绕航勘院“十五”发展纲要,抓住机遇,开拓进取,齐心协力,同舟共济,为把航勘院建设成为国际型岩土工程公司而奋斗。 航勘50年,是艰苦创业的50年。在包头617厂水源勘测过程中,航勘人夜间采用马灯照明钻探。在承接齐齐哈尔市某工程时,气温低至零下35℃,冰霜挂满每个钻探工人的胡须。在新疆核实验基地的选址过程中,80多名航勘老前辈披星戴月,日夜兼程,奋战三年,完成了100多平方公里的勘测任务、700多平方公里的水文地质调查,施工钻孔1000多个。为011、012等航空工业的基地建设,航勘人住山洞,住破庙,克服了常人难以想象的困难。在国家停拨事业费的艰难条件下,航勘职工不等、不靠、不要,而是实施跨世纪人才战略和
On July 3, the China Aviation Survey and Design Institute held a celebration meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the institute. Comrade Chen Changfu, party secretary and deputy dean of the Party Committee, made a report entitled “Together, Together, Coming to the Future, Fighting for the Takeoff of the New Century in the Exploration and Prospecting Institution”. He recalled the glorious achievements of 50 years made Air survey institutes, called on all workers to establish a sense of urgency, the overall sense of responsibility, sense of innovation, and vigorously promote the “unity, pragmatic, efficient and innovative” spirit Hang survey, closely Focusing on the “10th Five-Year Plan” development outline of the Institute of Surveying and Mapping, seize the opportunity to forge ahead, make concerted efforts to help each other, and work together to build the Institute of Surveying and Exploration into an international geotechnical engineering company. Surveying for 50 years is 50 years of hard work. In the survey of water sources at the Baotou 617 plant, the surveyor used the lighting of the lantern for lighting at night. In undertaking a project in Qiqihar City, the temperature was as low as -35°C, and frost covered the beard of each drilling worker. During the site selection of the nuclear experimental base in Xinjiang, more than 80 reconnaissance pioneers took stars Xing Daiyue, worked day and night, worked hard for three years, completed more than 100 square kilometers of surveying tasks, more than 700 square kilometers of hydrogeological investigation, construction drilling 1000 Multiple. For the construction of the aviation industry bases such as 011 and 012, they surveyed people who lived in caves and lived in temples to overcome the difficulties that ordinary people could not imagine. Under the difficult conditions of the country’s suspension of operating expenses, surveying and staffing workers are not waiting for, relying on or not, but implementing cross-century talent strategies and