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如果不是因为入主科龙电器,格林柯尔这个企业的名字还很难被人们在一夜间所熟知;如果不是因为运作科龙成功“摘帽”,在格林柯尔董事长顾雏军的身后,紧紧追随的还将会是一大群怀疑的目光和一大片质疑的声音。然而最具说服力的终究还是事实,科龙的业绩超出了人们的想象,以至于今年6月1日格林柯尔在合肥重演当年入主科龙的一幕时,无论是顾雏军,还是在场的媒体,都表现得极为平静和理性。 其实正是在格林柯尔浮出水面后,中国家电业尤其是制冷行业才开始发生重大变局。如今,海尔、科龙、新飞和美菱“四大家族”中的科龙和美菱都被格林柯尔收归麾下,而且在此期间格林柯尔已经完成了收购吉诺尔冰箱和上菱冰箱生产线的工作而就在格林柯尔吞下美菱不久,又于7月下旬掉头南下一口“吃掉”了“冷界老兵”杭州西泠70%的股份。尽管在收购小天鹅时棋落后手,但格林柯尔图谋独霸国内制冷行业的“野心”已昭然于天下。 If not for the Kelon electrical appliances, Greencool the name of the business is still very difficult to be known overnight by people; if not because of the successful operation of Kelon “Zhaomo”, Gu Chujun, chairman of Greencool behind the tight Followed by will also be a large group of suspicious eyes and a large voice of doubt. However, after all, the most persuasive fact is that Kelon’s performance exceeded people’s imagination, so that on June 1 this year, Greencool in Hefei reenactment of the year when Kelon’s scene, whether Gu Chujun, or the presence of media , All behaved extremely calm and rational. In fact, it is after Greencool surfaced that China’s home appliance industry, especially the refrigeration industry, started a major change. Today, Kelon and Meiling in Haier, Kelon, Xinfei and Meiling “four major families” are all under the control of Greencool, and during this period Greencool has completed the acquisition of Ginuoer Refrigerator and Shanglin Refrigerator Production Line And soon after swallowing Meiling in Greencool, it turned around again in late July to “eat” a 70% stake in “Cold War Veteran” Hangzhou Xiling. Despite chess in the acquisition of Little Swan, Greencool plans to dominate the domestic refrigeration industry’s “ambition” has become clear to the world.
2002年对所有IT企业而言,都 充满挑战。行业不景气、股 市低迷、企业IT预算持续缩减,这使IT企业遭遇了前所未有的冲击,思科同样也受到了恶劣环境的挑战。但是在积极地突围及
时间:2003年7月24日-2003年8月5日 地点:中国·大连·星海广场 简介:中国国际啤酒节是由中国轻工业联合会和大连市人民政府共同主办的以啤酒为龙头、众多消费品牌参与的盛会
第四阶段科研机构 中国皮革工业研究所(现名中国皮革和制鞋工业研究院,1959年迄今) 一、国家科技十二年(1956~1967)长远发展规划促成轻工业部皮革研究所的诞生 前已谈及,中央
● With a view to promoting consumption and spurring the equipment production industry, for the sake of the environment, developing energy-efficient and enviro
没有应收账款的烦恼,每年50%的增长速度,高达20%多的利润率,从事软件外包业务的中讯公司,为正处于困境中的中国软件业指出了一条明路。 There is no account receivable troub