棉花滑准税 纺织业不能承受之痛

来源 :纺织服装周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gym510
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当下,在宏观政策收紧、人民币升值加速和原材料价格、劳动力成本上升等多重因素的共同作用下,纺织产业正面临新的拐点。在此重压之下,以原料初加工为主的棉纺织产业,还要背负着棉花进口配额限制和滑准税的沉重压力,使得这一行业更是雪上加霜。中国纺织工业协会副会长、中国棉纺织行业协会会长徐文英在接受《纺织服装周刊》采访时对行业形势充满忧虑。他分析说,目前棉纺织行业是1/3的企业维持着全行业的利润,67%的企业平均利润率只有0.6%。如果国家不在产业政策上进行调整,棉纺织企业将会有2/3的企业出现亏损甚至倒闭。面对如此形势,企业要求取消现行的进口棉花滑准税政策呼声尤高。 At present, the textile industry is facing a new turning point under the joint action of many factors, such as the tightening of macroeconomic policies, the acceleration of RMB appreciation and the rise of raw material prices and labor costs. Under such a heavy pressure, the cotton textile industry, which mainly deals with the initial processing of raw materials, has to bear the heavy pressure of the quotas on the import quotas of cotton and the sliding of the tariffs. This makes the industry even worse. Xu Wenying, vice president of China Textile Industry Association and president of China Cotton Textile Industry Association expressed his worries about the situation of the industry when interviewed by Textile and Apparel Weekly. He analyzed that at present, one-third of the cotton textile industry maintains the profits of the whole industry, and 67% of the enterprises have an average profit rate of only 0.6%. If the state does not make adjustments in industrial policies, two-thirds of the cotton textile enterprises will suffer a loss or even collapse. Faced with such a situation, the business calls for the abolition of the current policy of sliding imports of cotton tax is particularly high.
目前在ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning企业资源计划)系统中信息“过载”,已经成为了许多企业的一大结症。日复一日积累的“海量”的、无章无序的信息,一方面不断地消耗企
在渤海湾盆地沧东凹陷古近系孔店组二段500 m系统取心、上千块次薄片鉴定、X射线衍射分析基础上,提出了用声波时差、密度等常规测井资料定量计算细粒沉积矿物含量的简易方法,