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历史文化街区是我国重要的旅游资源,在“太湖明珠”无锡,最具有代表性的就是南长街历史文化街区,它是古运河畔的一条千年古街,其历史可以追溯到1千多年前的北宋驿馆。南长街是现在的统称,是由南长街、从南长桥至清名桥长约1 500米的古运河“水弄堂”、南下塘、伯渎港、大窑路一带等具有丰富历史文化底蕴的区域组成,整个街区以古运河为轴线,占地18.78公顷,由寺、塔、河、街、桥、窑、坊等众多景观组成,构筑出独特的风韵。同时,“水弄堂”两岸的街道也呈现不同的风格:一边时尚,以商铺消费为主,年轻人较多;一边复古,保留古朴风貌,有深居简出的住户,比较吸引老年人。南长街历史文化街区的整体布局很用心,利用了很大的空间包含了很多元素,看似很合理,但也造成了一些不好的影响。 Historical and cultural blocks are an important tourist resource in our country. In “Taihu Lake Pearl” “Wuxi, the most representative is Nanchang Street historical and cultural district. It is a thousand ancient street by the ancient canal. Its history can be traced back to 1,000 Many years ago the Northern Song post. Nanchang Street is now collectively referred to by the South Long Street, from the South Long Bridge to the Qingming Bridge about 1,500 meters of the ancient Grand Canal ”water alley", the South Tong, Bo Du Hong, Yao Road and other areas have Rich in historical and cultural heritage of the region, the entire block to the Grand Canal as the axis, an area of ​​18.78 hectares, by the temple, tower, river, street, bridge, kiln, Square and many other landscapes to build a unique charm. At the same time, the streets of both sides of the river are also showing different styles: one is fashionable, the majority are shops, and the other is young. The two sides are old-fashioned and retain the ancient style. Nanchang Street, the overall layout of the historical and cultural blocks are very hard to use a lot of space contains a lot of elements, it seems reasonable, but also caused some bad effects.
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