
来源 :华南工学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muhaiyu
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本文提出一种单路输入双路输出的仿真立体声系统。从输入讯号分成二个不同的声道,并使其输出的强度差及时差均为频率的函数。根据 K.de Boer 的已知实验可知:声象从二扩音器中点倔转的角位移,为这两扩音器输出的强度差及时差的函数。因此,在这重发声场中,声象将按其不同频率而在听者之前左右展开,以是模拟到声响的立体效果。这结果并得到实验证明。但对于某些旋律在较宽广的音阶上急速变化的音乐,在重发过程中,声象(某一乐器的)在听者之前有左右飘移的现象。如果将展开程度降低,或者加入适量的人工混响时,则声象展开排列的明显程度也将随之而下降。因此,可以应用这方法以减轻或消除这系统中的声象飘移现象。 This paper presents a single input dual output simulation stereo system. Divided into two different channels from the input signal, and make the output of the intensity difference and time difference are the function of the frequency. According to the known experiment by K. de Boer, the angular displacement of the sound image from the midpoint of the second loudspeaker is a function of the difference in intensity and the time difference of the outputs of the two loudspeakers. Therefore, in this re-emitted sound field, the sound image will expand left and right before the listener at different frequencies so as to simulate the stereoscopic effect to the sound. This result has been experimentally proved. However, for some melodies whose melodies change rapidly over a wide range of scales, during the retransmission, the sound image (of a certain musical instrument) drifts to the left and right before the listener. If you reduce the degree of expansion, or adding the right amount of artificial reverberation, the conspicuous degree of arrangement of the sound image will also be reduced. Therefore, this method can be applied to reduce or eliminate the phenomena of acoustic drift in this system.
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