“丝绸·女装”首次联袂 共建共享生活品质之城——2007中国国际丝绸博览会暨中国国际女装展览会新闻发布会在杭州召开

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2007年4月28日,“2007中国国际丝绸博览会暨中国国际女装展览会”新闻发布会在浙江世界贸易中心大饭店隆重举行。新闻发布会由杭州市人民政府刘晓明副秘书长主持,国家商务部市场运行调节司魏波处长、杭州市人民政府沈坚副市长、机州市经济委员会赵纪来主任等领导到会,浙江省丝绸协会、浙江省服装行业协会、浙江省出入境检验检疫局等协办单位的相关负责人和新闻媒体的记者近百人参加。会上,魏波处长对本届“丝绸与女装博览会”的各主办、承办和协办单位,以及组委会的组成情况作了说明,并重点对富有创新精神的“两展合一”所呈现的亮点及规格、展会的筹备工作、展会的招商计划等发表了讲话;刘晓明副秘书长详细介绍了展会前后和展会期间举办的各项活动细节,并用“一主十二副”作了基本概括。由中华人民共和国商务部、杭州市人民政府联合主办,国家茧丝绸协调办公室、中国丝绸协会、杭州市经济委员会、杭州贸易局、中国国际贸易促进委员会杭州分会共同承办的“2007中国国际丝绸博览会暨中国国际女装展览会”将于2007年10月26日至29日在杭州市和平国际会展中心隆重举行。本届“丝绸与女装博览会”是首次将中国丝绸博览会和中国国际女装展览会合并后的国家级展会,将全面展现国际丝绸与女装最新系列产品,传递丝绸与女装的发展信息及时尚趋势,为广大客商搭建平台,创造新的商机,带来新的发展。中国国际丝绸博览会自2000年举办以来,已连续举办了七届,随着主办单位的不断升格,其规模也由首届的4000m2发展到10000m2,如今已成为目前国内及至国际以丝绸与女装为结合点规模最大、档次最高、影响最广、专业性最强的专业展会,也是杭州市目前唯一由国家商务部和杭州市人民政府共同主办的展会。丽中国国际女装展览会自2001年首届举办以来,已连续举办了六届,以时尚、品牌、市场为核心,对宣传、推动和发展杭州女装产业发挥了重要作用。 April 28, 2007, “2007 China International Silk Expo and China International Women’s Wear Exhibition” press conference was held in Zhejiang World Trade Center Grand Hotel. The press conference was chaired by Deputy Secretary-General Liu Xiaoming of Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government, Director of Department of Market Operation Regulation of State Ministry of Commerce, Director Shen Jian, Vice Mayor of Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government, Director Zhao Jilai of Economic Commission of Jizhou City, and other leaders of Zhejiang Province Silk Association, Zhejiang Garment Industry Association, Zhejiang Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and other co-organizers of the relevant person in charge and the press nearly 100 reporters attended. At the meeting, Director Wei We made a briefing on the organizers, contractors and co-organizers of this “Silk and Women’s Expo” as well as the composition of the Organizing Committee, and focused on the innovative “two exhibitions and one exhibition” Presented the highlights and specifications, preparation for the exhibition, the exhibition’s investment plan and other made a speech; Deputy Secretary-General Liu Xiaoming introduced in detail the show before and after the show held during the various activities and details, and with “one of the main 12” as a basic Summarized. The 2007 China International Silk Exposition, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government, the Office of Cocoon and Silk Coordination, China Silk Association, Hangzhou Economic Commission, Hangzhou Bureau of Trade and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hangzhou Branch China International Women’s Wear Exhibition “will be held October 26, 2007 to 29 in Hangzhou Peace International Convention and Exhibition Center was held. The ”Silk and Women’s Expo" is the first national exhibition of China Silk Expo and China International Women’s Exhibition after the merger, will fully display the latest international silk and women’s series of products, the transmission of silk and women’s development information and fashion trends for The majority of merchants to build a platform to create new business opportunities, bring new development. Since its hosting in 2000, China International Silk Expo has been held for seven consecutive years. With the continuous promotion of organizers, the scale of its development has also increased from 4000m2 to 10000m2. Now it has become the national and international integration point of silk and women’s wear The largest, highest grade, the most widely affected, the most professional professional exhibition, but also the only city in Hangzhou by the State Ministry of Commerce and Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government co-sponsored exhibition. Since the inception of its first exhibition in 2001, Li China International Women’s Wear Exhibition has been held for six consecutive years. With fashion, brand and market as the core, Lai International Women’s Wear Exhibition has played an important role in promoting, promoting and developing the Hangzhou women’s wear industry.
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所谓“政治正确”(politically correct),是美国九十年代的思潮,提倡改革思想、行为和语言,维护妇女、少数民族和其他弱势群体的权益。对传统语言的歧视成分进行纠正,则是语
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