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感恩不同于对别人说“谢谢”。“谢谢”这个词现在差不多被空心化了,听起来有一种日本式的言不由衷。它和“再见”这个词一样,成为聊胜于无的示意。好像在喝光的可乐瓶装进白开水,再喝有一丝遥不可及的可乐味一样。感恩说不出口,是在心里藏一辈子的债务。感恩的人无论居于城乡、财富多寡,他们懂得生活之艰难,活下来本身是一串链条乃至多串链条串起来没有断裂的结果,没有人能像孙悟空那 Thanksgiving is different from saying “thank you” to others. “Thank you ” The word is now almost hollow, and it sounds like a Japanese-style words. Like the word “goodbye,” it becomes a sign of better than nothing. It seems like drinking Coke bottle into boiling water, and then drink a trace of unreachable cola flavor. Thanksgiving can not be exported, is in the heart of a lifetime of debt. Thanksgiving people living in urban and rural areas, the amount of wealth, they understand the hardships of life, survive itself is a chain or chain of more than a string of no broken results, no one can be like the Monkey King
优富5号是一种用于小麦包衣的种衣剂,对小麦纹枯病有较好的防治效果,使小麦产量增加。试验结果表明,每 kg 麦种用优富5号种衣剂有效成分0.30g 进行包衣,对小麦纹枯病的病指防
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企业所得税汇算清缴是企业所得税征管工作中的一项重要内容。通过汇算清缴既能监督企业是否正确履行了纳税义务 ,又能对税务机关本身工作进行总结提高。国家税务总局对企业所
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单纯简洁的浅色背景,细腻入微的面部刻画,表现了柔美温顺手拿石榴的女孩形象。人物肤色的精细描绘与其他地方的概括形成鲜明对比。 Pure simple light-colored background,
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50%乙·嗪乳油(乙草胺和嗪草酮)是一次性玉米田除草剂。试验结果表明,50%乙·嗪乳油在玉米播后苗前施用,200~250ml/667m2,除草效果达90%以上,对玉米安全。 50% ethylzine EC (acetochlor and metribuzin) i