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患者女性,36岁,已婚。因左侧乳腺活动性包块6个月,明显增大1个月于1993年7月31日入院。患者于6个月前无意中发现左乳内上象限有一可活动的包块,约核桃大小,不红、不肿、也无疼痛。1个月前包块明显增大似拳头大小,皮肤发红、发热,局部疼痛,乳头有少量混浊液体溢出。10天前曾在外院就诊考虑化脓性乳腺炎而手术切开,但未见脓液而缝合切口。术后局部红肿热痛更明显而转来我院。入院检查:体温36.6℃(腋表),脉搏83次/分,呼吸18次/分,血压13/9kPa,营养发育中等,神清合作,痛苦病容,皮肤巩膜无黄染,浅表淋巴结不肿大,心肺正常。于左侧乳腺可扪及巨大的膨胀性肿块,约10×15厘米大小,几乎占据整个左侧乳腺,以内上 Female patient, 36 years old, married. Due to the active mass of the left breast for 6 months, a significant increase of 1 month was admitted to hospital on July 31, 1993. The patient inadvertently discovered a movable mass in the left quadrant of the left breast 6 months ago. The size of the walnut was approximately red, not swollen, and painless. 1 month ago, the mass of the mass increased significantly like a fist, the skin became red, fever, local pain, and a small amount of turbid liquid overflowed the nipple. Ten days ago, he had been treated with purulent mastitis at the external hospital and had a surgical incision, but no pus was seen and the incision was sutured. Local swelling and thermal pain were more noticeable and transferred to our hospital. Admission examination: body temperature 36.6 °C (腋 table), pulse 83 beats / min, breathing 18 beats / min, blood pressure 13/9kPa, moderate nutritional development, Shen Qing cooperation, pain disease, skin sclera without yellow stain, superficial lymph nodes are not swollen Large, normal heart and lung. On the left side of the breast can be swollen and huge swelling of the mass, about 10 × 15 cm in size, accounting for almost the entire left breast, within the upper
时下,种类丰富的饼干已经成为消费者眼中的热门食物。有时顾不上吃饭,就先用饼干充饥;更有一些女性为保持身材,水果加饼干就是一餐。也正是为了满足消费者的种种需要, Now,
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Following an announcement to make the Long March launch vehicles available in the international launchservices market in October 1 985,the Long March series of