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一、下决心建立按国际惯例运行的商品经济机制。首先要增强商品经济观念、开放观念、竞争观念和法制观念。打破传统的自然经济、产品经济的思想观念。其次,要建立和完善各项经济管理法规,从贸易政策、货物进出口管理、外汇进出、税收政策、价格政策、企业制度等一系列方面都要尽可能与国际通行的做法相一致。第三,要简化手续,提高办事效率。公开办事制度,公开办事程序,加强廉政勤政建设,多采用公开竞争的机制,少采用指定分配的机制,消除可能带来腐败现象的环节和做法。二、从现实出发,依据经济发展的内在规律实现产业结构合理化和高级化。一是要放手发展第三产业,特别对于浦东来说尤其如此。二是产业结构的高级化要以国际市场为导向。世界上三个最有销售前途的工业品是信息通讯技术产品、同制造业自动化有关的机器设备和电子医疗技术设备及药品。上海70年代的人为重工化,按建立国民经济体系要求说是合理的,按今天发展有计划商品经济的要求说,存在一定的片面性,导致了上海今天的困 First, determined to establish a commodity economic mechanism operating in accordance with international practice. First, we must enhance the concept of commodity economy, open concept, concept of competition and legal concept. Break the traditional concept of natural economy, product economy. Second, we should establish and improve various laws and regulations on economic management. We should, as far as possible, be consistent with internationally accepted practices in a series of aspects, including trade policies, import and export control of goods, foreign exchange entry and exit, taxation policies, price policies, and enterprise systems. Third, we must simplify procedures and improve efficiency. Open work procedures, open work procedures, strengthen the building of a clean and honest government and diligent work, adopt more open competition mechanisms, and adopt less designated allocation mechanisms to eliminate possible links and practices that may lead to corruption. Second, starting from the reality, we should rationalize and upgrade the industrial structure based on the inherent laws of economic development. First, we must let go to develop the tertiary industry, especially for Pudong. Second, the advanced industrial structure should be guided by the international market. The three most promising industrial products in the world are information and communication technology products, machinery and electronic medical technology equipment and pharmaceuticals related to manufacturing automation. In the 1970s, the man-made heavy industrialization was justified according to the requirements of establishing a national economic system. According to the requirement of today’s planned planned commodity economy, there is a certain one-sidedness that has led Shanghai to today’s sleepy
Winter distribution of the species nesting on the Lombard Alps.Preliminary results ofthe surveys on birds wintering in the Province of Brescia(1984-85/1986-87)
1—羟基乙叉-1,1-二膦酸(1一Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acip)简称HEDP,结构式0~。,早在1897年,就由:。。B。卿。和Hofmalln首次合成并提o11|P.=!o1lcEs!C-- loHoE
本文通过对朱生豪和梁实秋两位翻译大家的《莎士比亚全集》译本的比较,通过对照英文原著,指出了译者的一些误译或错译,论述了英译汉过程中词义的确定的重要性。 By comparing t