Detection of Genetic Markers of Am3 / Laizhou 953 Introgression Lines for Resistance to Fusarium Hea

来源 :Agricultural Biotechnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuoshuqiong
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Fusarium head blight( FHB) is a destructive disease widespread in warm humid and semi-humid areas,which not only causes yield and grain quality losses,but also produces mycotoxin deoxynivalenol,thus posing a serious threat to wheat production in the world. In this study,15 introgression lines with significantly different levels of resistance to FHB were screened as experimental materials to detect the introgressed fragments by SSR markers from BC4F5 progenies of Am3 / Laizhou 953. The results showed that the number of polymorphic markers detected on each chromosome varied greatly,and polymorphic markers detected on chromosomes 5D and 5A were more than on other chromosomes. Am3 fragment could be detected in 15 introgression lines with 38 pairs of primers; the number of detected introgressed fragments varied among different introgression lines. Among 21 linkage groups,no introgressed fragments were detected on chromosomes 1A,6D and 7A; the largest number of introgressed fragments was detected on chromosomes 3D and 5B. In 15 introgression lines,three QTLs for plant height,spike length and disease index detected. Qdi-caas-5A,which was derived from Am3,might be related with Type III resistance. Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a destructive disease widespread in warm humid and semi-humid areas, which not only causes yield and grain quality losses, but also produces mycotoxin deoxynivalenol, thus posing a serious threat to wheat production in the world. study, 15 introgression lines with significantly different levels of resistance to FHB were screened as experimental materials to detect the introgressed fragments by SSR markers from BC4F5 progenies of Am3 / Laizhou 953. The results showed that the number of polymorphic markers detected on each chromosome varied greatly , and polymorphic markers detected on chromosomes 5D and 5A were more than on other other chromosomes. Am3 fragment could be detected in 15 introgression lines with 38 pairs of primers; the number of detected introgressed fragments varied among different introgression lines. Among 21 linkage groups, no introgressed fragments were detected on chromosomes 1A, 6D and 7A; the largest number of introgressed fragments was det ected on chromosomes 3D and 5B. In 15 introgression lines, three QTLs for plant height, spike length and disease index detected. Qdi-caas-5A, which was derived from Am3, might be related with Type III resistance.
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