Structural vibration passive control and economic analysis of a high-rise building in Beijing

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maomao0464
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Performance analysis of the Pangu Plaza under earthquake and wind loads is described in this paper.The plaza is a 39-story steel high-rise building,191 m high,located in Beijing close to the 2008 Olympic main stadium.It has both fluid viscous dampers(FVDs) and buckling restrained braces or unbonded brace(BRB or UBB) installed.A repeated iteration procedure in its design and analysis was adopted for optimization.Results from the seismic response analysis in the horizontal and vertical directions show that the FVDs are highly effective in reducing the response of both the main structure and the secondary system.A comparative analysis of structural seismic performance and economic impact was conducted using traditional methods,i.e.,increased size of steel columns and beams and/or use of an increased number of seismic braces versus using FVD.Both the structural response and economic analysis show that using FVD to absorb seismic energy not only satisfi es the Chinese seismic design code for a “rare” earthquake,but is also the most economical way to improve seismic performance both for one-time direct investment and long term maintenance. Performance analysis of the Pangu Plaza under earthquake and wind loads is described in this paper. The plaza is a 39-story steel high-rise building, 191 m high, located in Beijing close to the 2008 Olympic main stadium .It has both fluid viscous dampers (FVDs) and buckling restrained braces or unbonded brace (BRB or UBB) installed. A repeated iteration procedure in its design and analysis was adopted for optimization. Results from the seismic response analysis in the horizontal and vertical directions show that the FVDs are highly effective in reducing the response of both the main structure and the secondary system. A comparative analysis of structural seismic performance and economic impact was conducted using traditional methods, ie, increased size of steel columns and beams and / or use of an increased number of seismic braces versus using FVD.Both the structural response and economic analysis show that using FVD to absorb seismic energy not only satisfi es the Chinese seismic design code fo r a “rare ” earthquake, but also also the most economical way to improve seismic performance both for one-time direct investment and long term maintenance.
《语文课程标准》指出“:现代社会要求公民具备良好的人文素养和科学素养,具备创新精神、合作意识和开放的视野,……语文教育应该而且能够为造就现代社会所需的一代新人 ”C
由洛阳船舶材料研究所、沈阳东方钛业有限公司和青岛双力钛钢设备有限公司分别申请 ,经钛业分会 8月 1 0日第一次工作会议讨论 ,并经常务理事单位投票通过 ,上述 3家公司当选
奥运会会徽是一届奥林匹克运动会的徽记,也称奥运会会标。会徽的图样要体现奥林匹克精神,还要反映出东道主和奥运会主办城市的特征。  你知道下列会徽是哪届奥运会的会徽吗?    不是会徽的会徽      这届奥运会没有会徽也没有招贴画,现在的这幅画是该国奥委会向国际奥委会提交报告的封面,后来被当作本届奥运会会徽。  画面主要由雄浑的雅典卫城、手执橄榄枝的雅典娜女神、深嵌的马蹄印几部分组成,它古铜色的浮雕
人民教育出版社课标教材以“初识鲁迅”为专题,通过课本及配套读本《倾听鸟语》,选入多篇鲁迅的作品,意图在稚童的心灵中勾勒出鲁迅先生的 People’s Education Press class