Design of longitudinal predictive re-entry guidance law based on variable universe fuzzy-PI composit

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anan9077
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This paper studies the longitudinal predictive re-entry guidance law based on the variable universe fuzzy-PI composite control to overcome the inaccuracy of the reference trajectory re-entry guidance for re-entry vehicles. The variable universe fuzzy controller is used to obtain a satisfactory dynamic response when the downrange error is large, and the PI controller is utilized to eliminate the steady-state error when the downrange error is small. Simulation results show that the proposed guidance law is very robust to the initial errors and can achieve better accuracy, and is also able to handle the effect of the stochastic errors in re-entry processes. This paper studies the longitudinal predictive re-entry guidance law based on the variable universe fuzzy-PI composite control to overcome the inaccuracy of the reference trajectory re-entry guidance for re-entry vehicles. dynamic response when the downrange error is large, and the PI controller is utilized to eliminate the steady-state error when the downrange error is small. Simulation results show that the proposed guidance law is very robust to the initial errors and can achieve better accuracy, and is also able to handle the effect of the stochastic errors in re-entry processes.
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日本《朝日新闻》:中国载人宇宙飞船神舟九号6月16日在西北地区的酒泉卫星发射中心升空,成功进入预定轨道。中国的目标是到2020年建立本国长期驻人空间站。 Japan’s Asahi