From December 2011 to March 2012, the temperature and heat fluxes of different thicknesses of the back wall of the soil layer were measured in Shouguang, Shandong Province. The variation of soil temperature and heat flow in the underglowed solar greenhouse was analyzed. The result shows that in winter, the change of surface temperature and heat flux of the inner and outer cover of the greenhouse in the research area are larger and the same with the indoor and outdoor air temperature.The wall temperature is generally from the inside Surface to the outer surface of the continuous downward trend, the wall inside the temperature, heat flow larger than the outside of the larger range. Wall temperature, heat flow in the range of change from shallow to deep in turn .In cloudy weather conditions, the wall The temperature of each layer inside the body has a different degree of decline, deepening to the level of indoor heat, while the outside of the various levels to the outdoor radiating mainly.According to the wall temperature and heat flow changes in the outer wall of the cover , The wall is divided into heat storage layer, transition layer and cooling layer from the inside to the outside, the thickness of the wall is 0.8 ~ 1.0m, 2.2 ~ 2.6m and 0.4 ~ 0.6m respectively. Under the Shouguang sunlight greenhouse Soil wall thickness of 1.4 ~ 1.6m is appropriate.