不同历史时期的各种新疆方志,既是研考新疆历史,编写新时代地方志的第一手重要参考资料,也是历史留给我们的珍贵文化遗产。但是,过去存收疏漏,多有散佚。今有日本学者片冈一忠,出自一个学者的真诚,悉力搜求,将本世纪初林出贤次郎带回日本七十余年之久的三十种新疆地方志汉文原本编为一书,付梓刊布,得以面世。1987年,日本学者梅村坦先生访问新疆时,片冈一忠先生特意将此书一册亲笔题词,委托梅村先生转赠新疆社会科学院。片冈先生盛意感人。现将该书内片冈一忠先生撰写之《解说》译介于下,以利我国学术界对此书之利用。 《林出贤次郎携来新疆省乡土志三十种》现存新疆社会科学院中亚研究所资料情报室。
Different historical periods of various local chronicles, is not only the study of Xinjiang’s history, the preparation of a new era of local history first-hand an important reference material, but also the historical legacy of our precious cultural heritage. However, in the past, there were many omissions. Today there is a Japanese scholar Katsuhiko Okamoto, from a scholar of the sincere, full of dedication, will be returned to Japan at the beginning of this century Kenji more than 70 years old thirty local Xinjiang dialect originally compiled into a book, Posting published, to be available. In 1987, when Japanese scholar Yasuhiro Umemura visited Xinjiang, Mr. Takeda Ichizon deliberately handed the book an inscription and entrusted Mr. Umemura with the transfer to Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences. Mr. Katsuoka is touching. The book “Interpretation” written by Mr. Kazuhiro Okayama is now translated below to facilitate the use of this book by our academic community. “Lin Jirchen Jiro to bring native of Thousands of Xinjiang Province,” the existing Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences Research Institute of Central Asia Information Office.