千方百计提供优质服务 积极开展海上原油过驳——宁波港轮驳公司开展海上原油过驳记事

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九年安全中转原油近二千万吨 截止今年6月底,宁波港轮驳公司海上原油过驳队已实现9年安全无事故,中转原油1903.58万吨,为国家创造了显著的经济效益和社会效益,也使宁波港成为我国原油中转主要口岸。 宁波港位于中国沿海和长江黄金水道T型航线的交汇点,内外辐射便捷。作为海上原油过驳的宁波港北仑锚地,面积约在4平方公里以上,锚地水域开阔,航道水深一般在30米至100米以上,可满足20万吨至30万吨巨型油轮过驳作业。锚地四面群山环抱,舟山群岛作为其天然屏障,年作业天数可达350天以上。海上原油过驳又具有时间短、费用省、效益好等特点,宁波港优越的地理位置和得天独厚的自然条件,为海上原油过驳业务的发展奠定了良好的基础。 1988年9月,宁波港在交通部及兄弟单位大力支持下,首次成功地过驳了利比亚籍“高尔科尼”轮7.6万吨原油。9年来,宁波港与长江流域各石化企业、港航单位及口岸涉外单位紧密合作,海上原油过驳业务不断发展。1995年12月,宁波港成功地完成了三十万吨级超级油轮“别克伯爵”号海上原油过驳作业,创我国接卸油轮吨位最高新纪录。 为确保原油海上过驳安全、优质、高效,宁波港专门成立 Nine years of safe transit of nearly 20 million tons of crude oil deadline By the end of June this year, Ningbo Port Ferry Company Offshore Crude Barrier has achieved 9 years of safety-related accidents, transit crude oil 190.358 million tons for the country has created significant economic and social benefits , Also make Ningbo Port become the main port of China's crude oil transit. Ningbo Port is located at the intersection of the T-route of China's coastal sea and the Yangtze golden waterway with convenient radiation both inside and outside. As an offshore anchorage of Beilun Port of Ningbo Port, it covers an area of ​​about 4 square kilometers and has an open anchorage. The water depth of the channel is generally between 30 meters and 100 meters, which can meet the needs of 200,000-300,000 tons of giant tankers. Surrounded by mountains surrounded by anchors, Zhoushan Islands as its natural barrier, the number of days of work up to 350 days or more. Offshore crude oil has the characteristics of short time, cost saving and good efficiency. The superior geographical position and unique natural conditions of Ningbo Port have laid a good foundation for the development of offshore crude oil barging business. In September 1988, under the strong support of the Ministry of Communications and its fraternal units, Ningbo Port successfully passed the first shipment of 76,000 tons of crude oil for Libya's “Gorgoni” for the first time. In the past 9 years, Ningbo Port has worked closely with various petrochemical enterprises in the Yangtze River Basin, ports of shipping companies and foreign-related ports in the Yangtze River to continue the development of offshore crude oil barging business. December 1995, Ningbo Port successfully completed the 300,000-ton super-tanker “Buick Earl” offshore crude oil barge operations, creating China's highest new take-off and landing tanker record. In order to ensure the safety of crude oil at sea, high quality and high efficiency, Ningbo Port was established
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