Angular distributions of CH_3I fragment ions under the irradiation of a single pulse and trains of u

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The angular distribution of CH3I is investigated experimentally using a single Fourier transform-limited laser pulse and a pulse train, where a 90-fs 800-nm linearly polarized laser field with a moderate intensity of 2.8×1013 W/cm2 is used. The dynamic alignment is demonstrated in a single pulse experiment. Moreover, a pulse train is used to optimize the molecular alignment, and the alignment degree is almost identical to that with the single pulse. The results are analysed by using chirped femtosecond laser pulses, and it demonstrates that the structure of pulse train rather than its effective duration is crucial to the molecular alignment. The angular distribution of CH3I is investigated experimentally using a single Fourier transform-limited laser pulse and a pulse train, where a 90-fs 800-nm linearly polarized laser field with a moderate intensity of 2.8 × 1013 W / cm2 is used. The dynamic The results are demonstrated in a single pulse experiment. Moreover, a pulse train is used to optimize the molecular alignment, and the alignment degree is almost identical to that with the single pulse. The results are analyzed by using chirped femtosecond laser pulses, and it demonstrates that the structure of pulse train rather than its effective duration is crucial to the molecular alignment.
例 1 ,男 ,2个月。以注射部位出血不止 4天 ,频繁抽搐 3天入院。入院前 4天患儿发热 ,体温达38.8℃ ,肌注安痛定后热退 ,但发现注射部位出血不止 ,第二天于就诊途中突然抽搐
(E)-5,5’-Bis(5-(benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)thiophen-2-yl)-1,1’-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-[3,3’-bipyrrolylidene]-2,2’(1H,1’H)-dione(BTBPD) has been reported by Zhang and
1 病例摘要陈某 ,男性 ,18d,代诉患儿突然出现呼吸急促 ,阵发性紫绀为主诉入院 ,患儿为第一胎足月妊娠 ,剖腹产 ,产后一般情况良好。体格检查 :T37℃ ,R40次 / min,神清 ,呼
结直肠癌缺失基因 ,即 DCC基因 ,是近年来发现的大肠癌中一个重要的肿瘤抑制基因 ,其在妇科肿瘤中的作用也日益受到研究者的重视 ,但有关此方面的研究国内尚未见报道。本文就
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