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行政诉讼法是国家的基本法律,也是规范行政诉讼程序的基本规则。现行行政诉讼法的制定施行标志着我国行政诉讼制度的全面确立,但经过二十三年的司法实践,其与当前社会发展与现实需求不相适应的问题不断增多,其中,有关检察机关在行政诉讼中的职能作用问题就亟须进一步明确。目前,行政诉讼法的修改工作已提上议程,为深入地探寻行政诉讼法修改的立法方向,强化检察机关行政检察监督职能,本刊特邀请专家学者,以“行政诉讼法修改与行政检察监督职能的完善”为题,对行政诉讼法修改与行政检察监督相关问题进行探讨。 Administrative procedural law is the basic law of the country, but also the basic rules regulating administrative proceedings. The formulation and implementation of the current administrative procedure law marks the full establishment of the administrative litigation system in our country. However, after 23 years of judicial practice, there are increasing problems that are incompatible with the current social development and the actual needs. Among them, The function of the litigation in the urgent need to further clarify. At present, the revision of the Administrative Procedure Law has been put on the agenda. In order to further explore the legislative direction for the revision of the Administrative Procedure Law and strengthen the functions of the administrative procuratorial and supervisory work of the procuratorial organs, this journal invites experts and scholars to use “Administrative Procedure Law Amendment and Administrative Prosecution The improvement of the supervisory function ”as the theme, to discuss the issues related to the revision of the Administrative Procedure Law and the administrative procuratorial supervision.
1. I am behind you.   “I am behind you.”这句话意为“我支持你。”常常用来对举棋不定的朋友表示鼓励。其中behind在这里有“作后盾”的意思。例如:  ——Whatever decision you’re going to make, I am behind you.   不管你的决定是什么,我都支持你。  ——Thank you. 谢谢。  2. You b
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表示推测的情态动词有must,can,could,may,might等。它们在表示推测的时候用来说明说话者的主观看法。 The speculative modal verbs are must, can, could, may, and might