Near-Surface Anisotropic Structure Characterization by Love Wave Inversion for Assessing Ground Cond

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xionglongyan0817
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In many geophysical applications, neglecting of anisotropy is somehow an oversimplification. The mismatch between prediction based on isotropic theory and near-surface seismic observations indicates the need for the inclusion of medium anisotropy. In this paper, surface wave(Love wave) dispersion properties are used to estimate the anisotropic structure of the near-surface layered earth, which is modeled as media possess vertical transverse isotropy(VTI), a reasonable assumption for near-surface sedimentary layers. Our approach utilizes multi-mode surface waves to estimate both the velocity structure and the anisotropy structure. This approach consists of three parts. First, the dispersion analysis is used to extract dispersion curves from real data. Second, the forward modeling is carried out based on the dispersion equation of Love wave in a multi-layered VTI medium. Dispersion curves of multi-modes, which are the numerical solutions of the dispersion equation, are obtained by a graphic-based method. Finally, the very fast simulated annealing(VFSA) algorithm is used to invert velocity structure and anisotropy structure simultaneously. Our approach is verified by the synthetic dispersion curve generated by a VTI medium model. The estimation of shear wave velocity and anisotropy structure of surface wave data acquired at Rentschler Field, an urban center site on sediments in the Connecticut River valley reveals a simple structure of the sediment layer over a bedrock half space. The results are verified by other inversion results based on different data set obtained on the same site. The consistency of inversion results shows the feasibility and efficiency of the approach. In many paper, surface wave (Love wave) dispersion properties are used to estimate the anisotropic structure of the near-surface layered earth, which is modeled as media possess vertical transverse isotropy (VTI), a reasonable assumption for near-surface sedimentary layers. Our approach utilizes multi-mode surface waves to estimate both the velocity First, the dispersion analysis is used to extract dispersion curves from real data. Second, the forward modeling is carried out on based on the dispersion equation of Love waves in a multi-layered VTI medium. Dispersion curves of multi-modes, which are the numerical solutions of the dispersion equation, are obtained by a grap hic-based method. Finally, the very fast simulated annealing (VFSA) algorithm is used to invert the velocity structure and anisotropy structure. Our approach is verified by the synthetic dispersion curve generated by a VTI medium model. The estimation of shear wave velocity and Anotropotropy structure of surface wave data acquired at Rentschler Field, an urban center site on sediments in the Connecticut River valley reveals a simple structure of the sediment layer over a bedrock half space. The results are verified by other inversion results based on different data set obtained on the same site. The consistency of inversion results shows the feasibility and efficiency of the approach.
摘 要:社会在不断发展,教育也在变革中不断成长,在这个过程中教育被赋予了不同的要求。生物在高中是一门重要的理科课程,在高考中占有重要的地位。高中教师理应积极投身到对符合时代要求的教学模式的探索中,并在教育实践中不断地总结经验,以实现高中生物教学质量的提高。基于此,本文将对生物教学中微课程的设计和应用展开简单探讨。  关键词:高中;生物教学;微课程;应用和设计     微课程在教学范围内的应用十分
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